
1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 The fifth and most complex branch of the Weil clan are the “Donaueschinger Weyls.” Their explicit history in the Stühlingen records begins in 1683, when Efrem and “two Samuehl Weihls” had to pay a 10 fl. passage fee for moving their households – a total of nineteen souls and twenty heads of cattle – from Tiengen to Donaueschingen [R1310]. All but two Jewish families had been evicted from Tiengen that summer [R1329]. Donaueschingen letters of protection had existed since 1662.18

2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0 The Tiengen Weils, namely the two brothers Samuel (W1) (another Samuel with byname Schmuli) (V1) and Effermen (W2) (a fourth Mayer) (V3), received protection in Donaueschingen [R7] and traded from there. Samuel and Effermen also traded in the Stühlingen region under a letter of passage (Geleitbrief) [R664]. Both Samuel and Schmuli Weyl acted as Parnasim in Donaueschingen during the first decade of the eighteenth century, but the two did not get along well with each other.19 Schmuli died in 1709 [R7]. Samuel had established a close working relationship with and acted as court Jew for Prince Egon Anton of Fürstenberg,20 regent for the underage orphan Count Joseph Wilhelm Ernst of Fürstenberg. In 1709 or 1710, Samuel was granted the tobacco and iron monopoly for six years [R12, R13].

3 Leave a comment on paragraph 3 0 Samuel had two or three sons: Marumb (Marum, W1.3), known later with the byname Dicker (the fat), Leheman (W1.1), and possibly Simon (W1.2). Originally they lived together in the Schellenberg house [R7], which they sold in 1720 [R16]. Simon was the father of the unfortunate daughter Vögele, whose betrothal to the rogue Mauschi (C2. had gone so spectacularly awry in 1732. From about 1720 on, Marum also received protection [R6] in Stühlingen and quickly became prominent [R3492]. By 1729 Leheman was baptized and remained in Donaueschingen [R4570]. Samuel Weyl is mentioned for the last time in 1730 [R19]; in that same year Marum bought a more substantial house [R4970] on the better, northeast side of Stühlingen. At the time of the eviction, Marum was ill and received an extension [R1218], and by 1744 he had moved to Lengnau. His grave does not appear in the Endingen-Lengnau cemetery book.

4 Leave a comment on paragraph 4 0 Marum had five sons and a daughter Ella [R2187]. His son Moysis (W1.3.1) was under protection in Stühlingen from 1733 to 1743. He seemed to have worked in partnership with his father. It is not clear where he moved to in 1743. Lehemann (W1.3.2), Marum’s second son, was named after his uncle. He too worked closely with his father, and in 1743 moved to Lengnau [R1196]. He died in 1788 and is buried in the old Endingen/Lengnau Cemetery in grave nineteen, row nineteen.21 We know little of Salomon (W1.3.3), and his subsequent whereabouts have not been reported.  The same is true for the youngest son, Samuel (W1.3.5). The fourth son Isac (W1.3.4) cared for his father during his illness [R1218]. Although it is likely that he followed his father to Lengnau, no record could be found.

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18Rosenthal, “Heimatgeschichte der badischen Juden,” 165.

19Ibid., 168.

20Ibid., 166.

21JFEL-II, 108.

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Source: https://www.stuehlingen.online/Book/?page_id=1911