
Abstracted from 61/12669: Proceedings of Stühlingen district, 1674-1681.

1677-01-08Hanns Schalch of Eberfingen sells house, barn and other real estate. The following Jewish claims are pending upon this: The heirs of Menckhe and Hürtzlen of Eberfingen 244 fl. Marum Jew of Stühlingen 20 fl. Model Jew of Stühlingen 6 fl. Other claims which are not secured by mortgages: Menckhe and Hertzlin Jews 42 fl. Menckhe´s heirs 13 fl. Hirtzlen Jew 20 fl. Jonna Jew in Stühlingen 3 fl. Kallmele Jew in this town 3 fl.

The following identified Jews are mentioned in this record:

Common NameFormal Name
Marum Jew of Stühlingen(Meir (Marum) ben Jacob, Gugenheimb)
Hürtzlen of Eberfingen(Naphtali (Hirtzel), Meyer)
Hirtzlen(Naphtali (Hirtzli) ben Judah, Bickert)
Kallmele(Kalonymos ben Samuel I, Gugenheimb)
Menckhe(Menachem (Menckhen) ben Meir, Bloch)
Jonna(Jonah (Jonas) ben Jacob, Gugenheimb)
Model(Mordechai (Model) ben Meir, Weyl)

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