
Abstracted from 61/12745: Proceedings of Stühlingen district, concepts, 1635-1636.

1635-03-26The mayor, magistrate and all the citizen claim that the Jews contribute a quarter of the expenses which the town is to pay for the soldiers. Jeggle, Meierle, Leman, Schachman, Eli, and Isaac the Jews do not agree to such a request (hard to read). The town claims 800 florins for now as the quarter share, but the Jews only offer 100 florins.

The following identified Jews are mentioned in this record:

Common NameFormal Name
Schachman(Schalom (Schachman), ?Gugenheimb)
Meierle(Meir (Mayerle) ben Jacob, Bloch)
Jeggle(Jacob (Jäggelin) ben Judah Weyl)
Isaac(Isac (Isaac) ben Judah, WeyI)
Leman(Judah (Leman), Weyl - Patriarch)
Eli(Elias (Eli) ben Jacob, Bloch)

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