Salomon ben Jacob, Weyl is mentioned 56 times between 1688 and 1738. His designation in the Stühlingen family tree is 'R1.1.2'. His father was Jacob (Jäggelin) ben Judah Weyl.
Salomon, Jägglin Weyl`s son [R3690; 14.01.1697] was under protection in Stühlingen from 1691 to 1735. He was married to Brunel [R867; 02.18.1688], daughter of Leib ben Jonah GH [R3527; 06.12.1736]. He had at least one daughter [R791; 08.14.1725] besides the son Jonas. He seems to have been a money lender. .
1688-02-18 | The following are fined for quarrel and verbal injuries: Rachel Sandelďs wife, Model Abraham Bickhertďs wife and his daughter Judith, Brunel Salomonďs wife, and Scheinel Lämblinďs wife, and the wife of Abraham. Meyer Lehmanďs son is fined for verbal injuries against Salomonďs wife. |
1692-04-01 | Abraham Jäckhlin, Model b. Leub (wohl Weil), Isaac Lemblin, Meyer b. Lehman Pickhart , Mausche und Meyer des Menggens Sohn (wohl Bloch), Schmuli, Jossel, Salomon Jackhlins Sohn, Marum Sandels Sohn (wohl Weyl), Jackhoff b. Calmelin (wohl Guggenheim), in unserer Statt Stüehlingen, auf das Land aber David b. Hürtzel (wohl Bickert), Elias Jüdele und Marum Weyl, Benjamin, SalomonDavid Jackhlins Sohn |
1693-06-02 | Debts of Salomon. |
1693-11-02 | Salomon Jew, creditor. |
1695-04-03 | Protection fee paid by the following at Stühlingen: Elias Jägglin`s son. David Jägglin`s son. Lew Jonas` son. Jägglin Jew. Sandel. Marum Weyl Sandel`s son. Salomon Sandel`s son-in-law. Joseph Calmelin`s son (half fee). Meyer Menckin`s son. Mauschi. Jossel. Lemli. |
1697-01-14 | Salomon Jäckhlins Sohn is sued for payment. |
1700-10-15 | Jeder schutzverwandte Jude gibt an Michaelis 9 fl., nämlich David Jaklins Sohn, Leib, Jäkhlin (durch Dekret vom 03.10.1700 entlassen, vermutlich im Sinne von nachgelassen), Sandel (ebenso), Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Salomon Jäkhlins Sohn (ebenfalls null), Joseph Callmelins Sohn, Jäkhoff Callmelins Sohn, Jäkhoff Marums Sohn, Meyer Menkhins Sohn, Mausche, |
1700-10-15 | Weitere 10 fl. waren an Ostern zu bezahlen, und zwar durch David Jäckhlins Sohn, Leib, Alt Jäckhlin (aus Gnaden erlassen), Sandel (ebenso), Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Salomon Jäkhlins Sohn (ebenfalls erlassen), Joseph Callmelins Sohn (war nicht hier, also null), Jäkhoff Callmelins Sohn, |
1700-12-31 | David Jäcklins Sohn, Leib, Jäcklin (befreit), Sandel (befreit), Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Salomon Jäcklins Sohn, Josef Calmelins Sohn, Jükoff Calmelins Sohn, Jükoff Marums Sohn,Mayer Menkins Sohn, Mausche, Jossel, Marums Sohn, Lemblin, Isak W. befr., Schmule Seligmann, Mayer Lehmanns Sohn, Model, Abraham, Sandels legiger Vetter Feuss genannt, Marum W. befr., Jonas Models Sohn, Hirzel Isaks Sohn, Feissel Leibs Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn |
1702-09-13 | The Jews Salomon Jäckhlins Sohn and Abraham, both experienced in the Jewish ceremonies, have made a decision between Jossel Calmelins Sohn and the two daughters of his deceased brother Schmulin, namely Madele and Bessele. They consider just that Jossel provides a dowry of 25 florins for each of the daughters, as far as his own means reach and by collecting the rest from relatives. Jossel owes the two daughters 130 florins upon the proceedings of 23.11.1701 and is to pay the extant installments immediately. If Abraham Katz (sic), a Jew of Pforzheim, would have to come here once more in this matter, then Jossel will be obliged to refund him all the expenses. |
1703-10-15 | Je 9 fl. an Michaelis zahlen aus Stühlingen Leib, Alt Jäkhle (aus Gnaden null), David Jakhlins Sohn, Sandel (aus Gnaden null), Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Salomon Jäckhlins Sohn (aus Gnaden null), Joseph Callmelins Sohn, Jakhoff Calmelins Sohn, Jäkhoff Marums Sohn, Meyer Menckhins Sohn, Mausche, Jossel Marums Sohn, Lemble, |
1704-03-15 | Auf Ostern zahlen die Juden 10 fl., nämlich in Stühlingen Leib, Alt Jäkhle (aus Gnaden null), Sandel (ebenso), Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Salomon Jäkhlins Sohn (aus Gnaden null), Joseph Callmelins Sohn, Jäkhoff Callmelins Sohn, Jäkhoff Marums Sohn, Meyer Menckhins Sohn, Mausche, Jossel Marums Sohn, Lemble, Schmuli Seeligmann, |
1704-10-15 | Je 9 fl. an Michaelis zahlen Leib, Alt Jäckhle (null), Sandel (null), Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Salomon Jäckhlins Sohn (null), Joseph Callmelins Sohn, Jäckhoff Calmelins Sohn (null, weil abwesend), Meyer Menckhins Sohn, Mausche, Jossel Marums Sohn, Lemble, Schmule Seligmann, Meyer Lehemann, Model, Abrahamb, |
1704-10-15 | Je 10 fl. an Ostern zahlen Leib, Alt Jäckhle (null), Sandel (null), Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Salomon Jäckhlins Sohn (null), Joseph Callmelins Sohn, Meyer Menckhins Sohn, Mausche, Jossel Marums Sohn, Lemble, Schmule Seligmann, Meyer Lehemann, Model, Abrahamb, |
1706-10-13 | Salomon Jäckhlins, Schirm- und Satzgeld: 15 fl |
1710-03-15 | Salomon Jäckhlins Sohn Jud Schirm- und Satzgeld (null), |
1711-12-31 | Leib, Sandel, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Marum, Salomon Jäcklins Sohn, Josef Calmelins Sohn ist tot, Jükoff Calmelins Sohn, Leible Jükoffen Sohn, Mayer Menkens Sohn Bloch genannt, Mausche, Josel marums Sohn, Lemle, Schmule Seligmann, Mayer Lehmann, Jonas Models Sohn, Feissel Leib Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn, Josel Sandels Tochtermann, Josel Schmulins Sohn, Marum Lemlins Sohn, Isaac Nirhert Abrahams Sohn, Menkhe Bloch Mayers Sohn, Lehmann Birkert |
1716-03-15 | Extanzenregister, darin die schutzverwandten Juden Sallomon Jäggelin Sohn, Jekoff Marum Sohn, Mausche Alt, Josell Marum Sohn, Lemble Alt, Isac Juden Wittib, Schmuel Seeligmann, Meyer Lehemann Bickhert, Modell, Isac Abrahamben Sohn, Mergam Marums Wittib, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann, Jonas Models Sohn, Hirtzel Isac Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn, Jäggelle Hirtzels Sohn, Hirtzel Jud, Jackoff Callmelis Sohn, Elias Jud, Israel Meyer Eliasen Sohn, Davidt Jäggelin Sohn, Elias Boll, Jüdelle Weyl, Marum Weyl Jud, Beniamin Jud, Schmule Jüdelins Sohn, Isac Jud Beniamin Sohn, Meyer Weyl Jüdelin Sohn. Fremde Juden, die Geleit haben: Ephraim zu Donaueschingen, Samuel allda, Simeon und Samuel Vehlmann (wohl Uhlmann) zu Tiengen, Samuel von Unterlauchringen, Baroch von Endingen, Isac Meyer von "Gaisingen", Lehman Weyl von Donaueschingen, Meyer Bloch Jud von Gailingen, Jud Jopperle von Lenglau. |
1718-01-21 | Salomon Weyl claims 72 fl. with reference to the proceedings of 07.02.1716 and 17.07.1716. |
1720-01-19 | Salomon Weyl claims 100 fl. |
1720-05-13 | Salomon Weyl claims 200 fl. |
1721-07-01 | Leib, Marum Weyl, Salomon Weyl, Mayer Bloch, Mayer Birkert, Lehmann Birkert, Isaac Abrahams Sohn, Feissel Leibs Sohn, Jonas Leibs Sohn, Josel des langen Schmule Sohn, Elias, Lemle Weyl, Mayer Weyl von Horheim ist nach Wangen gezogen |
1721-09-29 | Protection fee of the Jews (9 fl. each at St. Michael`s day 1721 unless otherwise indicated): Leib, Marum, Salomon, Meyer, Meyer Bickert (4« fl.), Lehemann Bickert, Isac Abraham`s son, Faistel Leib`s son, Jonas Leib`s son, Josell Lang Schmulin`s son, Elias Jud, Lemble Weyl. |
1721-10-31 | Christoph Büche owes Salomon Weyhl 8 fl. |
1722-09-04 | Considering that the Jewish community could not come to an internal agreement about providing hourse for official tasks, one has grouped the Jews into three categories. Category one is to provide three horses in turn and includes Leib Gugenheimb and Marum Weyl. Category two provides two horses and includes Joseph Gugenheimb, Salomon Weyl, Mayr Bloch, Faistel Gugenheimb, Jonas Gugenheimb, Isaac Bikhert, Lehemann Bikhert, and Elias Mayr. Category three provides one horse and includes Joseph Gugenheimb Sandels Tochtermann and Schmule Weyl Lemblins Sohn. With details about their duties (horses on which an honest man will not break his neck; whoever does not own a horse is to borrow one; about the sequence of presentation; etc.) |
1723-01-08 | Salomon Weyl claims 13 fl. |
1723-01-12 | Jacob Mayer of Horheim owes Jew Salomon Weyl in Stühlingen 20 fl. which originate from his fatherin-law Leib. |
1723-01-26 | Salomon Weyl claims 70 fl. according to the proceedings of 13.01.1708. |
1723-04-09 | Salomon Weyl claims 20 fl. |
1723-04-16 | Salomon Weyl claims 28 fl. after a horse deal. |
1723-04-20 | Salomon Weyl claims 20 fl. as for 09.04.1723. |
1724-05-19 | Salomon Weyl has taken over a claim, dating of 21.01.1700, from his father-in-law Leib. |
1724-11-03 | Meyer Bloch, Menckin Bloch, Salomon Weyl, and Feisel Gugenheim are fined for refusing Lang Josel the burial of his father Schmule Gugenheimb, pretending he owes some money to the welfare fund. |
1724-11-03 | Strafe wegen Streitigkeiten über das Judenbegräbnis: Meyer Bloch 4 fl., Menckin Bloch, Salomon Weyl, Faisel Gugenheimb je 2 fl. 40 Kr. |
1725-08-14 | Penalty of Salamon Weyl and his son Jonas (Salmeli also has a daughter). |
1726-02-08 | Salomon Weyl. Jonas Weyl. |
1726-11-22 | Salomon Weyl. |
1727-03-15 | Satzgeld von den Juden in Stühlingen, je 10 fl. von Marx Meyer, Jonas Weyl Salomons Sohn, Leib, Marum Weyl, Salomon Weyl, Meyer Bloch Menckens Sohn, Lehmann Bickert, Isacc Abrahamen Sohn, Faistel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Josel Lang Schmulis Sohn, Elias Meyer, Lemble Weyl Alt, Meyer Weyl Jüdelins Sohn, Mencken Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann. |
1728-01-27 | Bequests of Leib Gugenheimb: 1. 1000 fl. to the grandson Meyer Gugenheim (son of Faistel) for his wedding, 2. 450 fl. to the younger son Jonas Gugenheimb, 3. 350 fl. to the son-in-law Salomon Weyl, 4. 450 fl. to the other son-in-law Joseph Gugenheimb in Randegg, partially as a dowry for the daughter Edel, 5. 450 fl. to the older son Faistel as a dowry for another daughter who is expected to marry soon, 6. provisions for the distribution of the estate after the death of Leib, 7. 200 fl. cash and 200 fl. of claims for the grandson Jonas Guggenheimb in Randegg which his father Joseph Gugenheimb must not touch. |
1728-06-18 | Salomon Weyl buys real estate for 65 fl. |
1728-10-15 | Satzgeld der Juden, je 9 fl. an Michaelis 1728 von Marx Meyer, Jonas Weyl Salomons Sohn, Leib, Salomon Weyl, Meyer Bloch Menckes Sohn, Lehmann Bickert, Isacc Abrahammen Sohn, Faistel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Jossel Lang Schmulins Sohn, Elias Meyer, Lemble Weyl Alt, Marumb Weyl, Meyer Weyl Jüdelins Sohn, Mencke Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann. |
1729-08-12 | Salomon Weyl claims payment of a Duplone. |
1730-03-21 | Salomon Weyl claims 9 fl. |
1730-07-07 | Salomon Weyl claims 80 fl. according to the proceedings of 26.01.1723. He has ceded 50 florins of this as a marriage endowment to his son Jonas Weyl. As Salomon is to endow his other children, he is now claiming payment of the remaining 19 fl. |
1730-12-05 | Salomon Weyl, same unless the right of first emption will be claimed. |
1731-01-12 | Salomon Weyl of Stühlingen cedes a claim of 13 fl. to his son-in-law Jonas Gugenheimb in Randegg. |
1731-10-26 | Salomon Weyl (der) Ältere, mutual account. |
1733-07-10 | Marumb Weil and his son Salomon Weyl, claim. |
1733-12-18 | Salomon Weyl der Ältere is fined for unlawfully crying in the Synagogue. |
1734-11-06 | Salomon and Jonas Weyl buy the barn in the Jews´ Lane (Judengasse) for 250 florins after nobody else wanted to file a bid. Finally someone else got it through the right of first emption. |
1736-04-20 | Salomon Wyhl der Ältere. |
1736-05-04 | Appears Joseph Gugenheim from Randegg and asks to interrogate him, in the presence of the two Jewish foremen Marum Weyl and his brothers-inlaw Salomon Weyl, Faisel and Jonas Guggenheimer, about the estate of late Leib Guggenheimer. |
1736-06-12 | Salomon Weyhl has inherited several claims out of the estate of his father-in-law Leib Gugenheimb upon the probate record of 7 Sep. 1735. |
1736-10-12 | Jonas Weyl and Salomon Weyl are interrogated as witnesses. |
1738-10-15 | Salomon Weyl Älter, claim. |
1738-10-15 | Salamon Weyl Alter files a claim originating from his "father" Leib Gugenheimb. |