Identified Man

Tree Abraham ben Samuel, Bickert is mentioned 35 times between 1678 and 1700. His designation in the Stühlingen family tree is 'B1.'. His father was Samuel (Schmuli) ben Naphtali, Bickert.

Abraham was under protection from 1681 to 1700. The family name appears only once [R867; 02.18.1688]. His descendancy from Samuel (Schmuli) ben Naphtali is only inferred. Alternatively, he could be the son of Isaac ben Raphael, which would fit with the naming pattern. However, it would create a huge age gap. He made his livelihood from a mixture of cattle dealing, money lending and real estate transactions. He was fined frequently for swearing, for dealing in stolen property and for not having his chimney cleaned [R1386; 10.11.1685] . Abraham`s wife was called `Model` (or possibly `Madel`), and his daughter was Judith. Abraham`s house seems to have been situated outside the town gate [R1378; 06.14.1685] ; .

1678-10-19A general decree about the format of the Jewish trespassing permits. With mention of all the Jews in Stühlingen, namely Marum Gugenum, Jonele Gugenum, Schmule Seligmendle, Calmele, Jäckhele, Sandl, Abrahamb, Model, Lemble Isaac, Leib Jonelins Sohn, Maier Jud Menckhins Sohn, Maier Jud Lehmans Sohn, and Hirtzell. A long text with many terms.
1681-01-01Jewish protection fee (18 fl. each) is paid by the following in Stühlingen: Sandel. Meyerlin Menckhin`s son. Jonas. Lew Jonas`son. Calmelin. Marum Jeckhov`s son. Jäkhlin Menkhin`s brother. Meyer Jew Lehman`s son. Seeligmann. Schmulin. Lämblin Seeligmann`s sonin-law. Abrahamh. Model. Isaac Schmulin`s son. Hürtzel Lehmann`s son. Abrahamb from "Ettenen" (apparently Ettenheim). Every one of them also paid 1 fl. instead of supplying a goose.
1681-02-27Abraham Bickert of Stühlingen, mutual account.
1682-01-19Abraham Jew claims 6 fl.
1682-01-26Abraham and Schmuli of Stühlingen are to pay back a credit of 100 fl.
1682-02-23Claims of Abraham and Seeligmann Jews are sold.
1682-04-13Abraham claims 155 fl.
1682-05-26Abraham Jew claims 100 fl.
1682-06-08Abraham and Schmuli of Stühlinhgen have failed to pay.
1683-03-11Claims to the estate of Georg Hägelin by Calmeli 102 fl. 56 fl. Abraham 99 fl. Schmulin Calmelins Sohn 51 fl. Menckhens Sohn Moises 12 fl. Marum 5 fl.
1683-03-12Abraham loans out 220 fl.
1684-09-03Jew Lidtmann, hitherto the Rabbi in Stühlingen, sues Schmulin Calmelins Sohn for the return of a credit of 30 Reichstaler plus interest. Schmulin cannot contradict after Marum, Sandel, Model, Abraham and a foreign Rabbi have confirmed the case.
1685-03-02Abraham wants to get a bull trade inscribed.
1685-05-13A claim of Abraham of 60 fl. is acknowledged.
1685-06-14Two guys have damaged the house of Jew Abraham yonder the gate between 10 and 11 o´clock p.m. on Pentecost Sunday.
1685-07-18Seeligmann buys lands from the estate of Hans Ulrich Sibler and is to pay the debts, including Himself 57 fl. Meyerlin Lehemans Sohn 2 fl. Abraham 2 fl. Modl 4 fl. Marum 50 fl. Jew Menckhen´s heirs 13 fl.
1685-10-11The boys of Calimilis, Model, and Hirtzel are fined for gambling on a holiday and bothering the Christians. Schmuli Jew Calmilis Sohn is fined for drinking tobacco. Meyerlin Lehemanns Sohn is fined for driving into someone´s grain on Corpus Christi day. Joseph Marums Sohn is fined for driving into someones´s field. Abraham Jew is fined for not cleaning his chimney. The wife of Model is fined for letting the laundry lye (Lauge) run into a well and offending the well master. Calmelin Jew, Hirtzel, Joseph Marumb and Meyerlin Menckhens Sohn are fined because their horses caused damage. The sons of Jew Jäkli are find for going into the stable with open lights.
1687-03-15Jeweils 18 fl. zahlen Meyerlin Menckhins Sohn, Lew Jonasen Sohn, Calmelin, Schmulin Calmelis Sohn, Alt Marum (ist gestorben, also null), Jeckhoff Marums Sohn, Jekhlin Menckhins Bruder, Davidt erstgemelten Jeglis Sohn, Meyer Lehemans Sohn, Seligman, Schmuli Seligmans Sohn, Schmuli der Große, Lämblin Seligmans Tochtermann, Abraham, Model, Isac Schmulis Sohn, Hürtzle Lehemans Sohn, Jossel Marums Sohn, Mausche Marums Tochtermann.
1688-02-18The following are fined for quarrel and verbal injuries: Rachel Sandelďs wife, Model Abraham Bickhertďs wife and his daughter Judith, Brunel Salomonďs wife, and Scheinel Lämblinďs wife, and the wife of Abraham. Meyer Lehmanďs son is fined for verbal injuries against Salomonďs wife.
1688-05-05Abraham, creditor.
1691-07-02Verbal injuries between Abraham and Model.
1691-08-03Isaac is fined for callong Abraham a lyer.
1691-09-29Protection fee at Michaelis (29.09) 1690, 9 fl. each: Sandel (is exempted). Callmel. Schmulin the Tall (der große). Jäckhlin Mencke`s brother. Abrahamb. Model. Isaac Schmulin`s son. Lew. Meyer Lehmann`s son. Meyer Mencke`s son. Lemmle. Schmulin Selgman`s son. Schmulin Callmel`s son. Moyses Mencke`s son. Davidt Jägglin`s son. Elias Jägglin`s son.
1691-09-29The following are thus due to pay 10 fl. each: Jägglin Meyer. Abrahamb. Model. Isac Schmulin`s son. Löw. Meyer Lehmann`s son. Meyer Mencke`s son. Lemmle. Schmul Selgmann`s son. Schmul Callmel`s son. Moyses Mencke`s son. Davidt Jägglin`s son. Elias Jäglin`s son. Salomon Jägglin`s son. Joßel Marum`s son. Jekoph Marum`s son. Marum`s widow and her son Jonas. Jeckoff Callmel`s son who has moved in from Eberfingen.
1692-01-11Jew Abraham of Stühlingen sells a cow.
1692-02-06Jew Abraham, cession.
1692-03-04Abraham Jew, creditor,.
1693-03-27Jew Model has sold Jew Abraham a barn for 100 fl. Jew Jessel as the "cousin and brother-in-law" of the seller claims the right of first emption. Abraham responds that according to the Jewish ceremonies, the right of first emption does not support the relatives, but only the neighours of the seller (etc.).
1693-04-10Abraham Jew, cession.
1695-01-04The boy of Seligman Schmulin. The son of Joseph Callmelin. The son of Jossel Marum. The son of Johnas Marumb. Isac Bickhart. Mausche. Lew. Sandel. His son Marum. Abraham. Schmuli Seligman`s son. Jew Jakhlin`s son. Jossel Jew (twice). Jossel`s boy. Calmelin`s son Joseph (all at Stühlingen on.
1695-12-29Abrahamb has purchased a claim for 35 fl.
1697-04-07Lembli. Isac. Schmuli. Meyer. Model. Abraham. Jekhoph. At Eberfingen: Hürschel. David. At Untereggingen: Judele Weyhl. Marum Weyhl. Benedict.
1699-01-01Penalty of Abraham here for deliberately buing stolen items.
1699-04-19Joseph Callmelin`s son. Meyer Menckhin`s son. Mausche. Jossel. Lemblin. Isaac. Schmuli. Meyer Lehemann`s son. Model. Abrahamb. At Eberfingen: Hirtzel. David. Elias.
1700-12-31David Jäcklins Sohn, Leib, Jäcklin (befreit), Sandel (befreit), Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Salomon Jäcklins Sohn, Josef Calmelins Sohn, Jükoff Calmelins Sohn, Jükoff Marums Sohn,Mayer Menkins Sohn, Mausche, Jossel, Marums Sohn, Lemblin, Isak W. befr., Schmule Seligmann, Mayer Lehmanns Sohn, Model, Abraham, Sandels legiger Vetter Feuss genannt, Marum W. befr., Jonas Models Sohn, Hirzel Isaks Sohn, Feissel Leibs Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn

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