Abraham ben Samuel, Bickert is mentioned 35 times between 1678 and 1700. His designation in the Stühlingen family tree is 'B1.'. His father was Samuel (Schmuli) ben Naphtali, Bickert.
Abraham was under protection from 1681 to 1700. The family name appears only once [R867; 02.18.1688]. His descendancy from Samuel (Schmuli) ben Naphtali is only inferred. Alternatively, he could be the son of Isaac ben Raphael, which would fit with the naming pattern. However, it would create a huge age gap. He made his livelihood from a mixture of cattle dealing, money lending and real estate transactions. He was fined frequently for swearing, for dealing in stolen property and for not having his chimney cleaned [R1386; 10.11.1685] . Abraham`s wife was called `Model` (or possibly `Madel`), and his daughter was Judith. Abraham`s house seems to have been situated outside the town gate [R1378; 06.14.1685] ; .