Identified Man

Tree Abraham ben Judah, Weyl is mentioned 62 times between 1657 and 1706. He died around 1706. His designation in the Stühlingen family tree is 'R1.3'. His father was Judah (Leman), Weyl - Patriarch.

Abraham was under protection from 1667 on. Chronologically, Abraham is somewhat difficult to fit in as the son of Leman the patriarch. He first appears in 1667 as `Abraham, des Alten Lehemans Sohn` [R4354; 04.10.1667]. At that time the only other Leman/Leheman was Judah ben Naphtali Bickert, and he was consistently referred to as "Leman/Leheman Hirtzli`s son` [R4013; 06.05.1664]. An `Abraham`, mentioned together with an Isac in 1657 has been under protection in Schwerzen [R4323; 08.16.1657]. Old Leman had died around 1655 [R2018; 04.08.1655] . So Abraham was Leman`s son of old age. He earned his livelihood mainly with money lending. In 1681 Abraham together with Seligman Guggenheim serving as Elders of the Jewish community were questioned by the authorities as expert witnesses regarding issues of Jewish family law [R4831; 09.26.1681] . One may infer from that fact that no rabbi served in Stühlingen at the time. Abraham had a daughter married in Haigerloch. He was fined in 1700 for inofficially giving refuge to his son-in-law, when the latter was expelled from there [R4469; 11.16.1700]. Abraham`s death is mentioned explicitly in 1706 [R478; 10.13.1706]. .

1657-08-16Abraham, Isac und Sießle, die sich seit 11.11.1656 in Schwerzen aufhalten, ferner Jeckhoff Jude Hirtzles Nachfahre zu Untereggingen, jeder 10 fl. pro Jahr laut Vergleich vom 23.08.1657.
1657-08-23Menckhe Jew here, bull trade matter. Abraham, Isac, and Siesle Jews at Schwerzen, and Jäcoff successor of Hirzlin in Eggingen, are to pay their extant protection fees for several years.
1667-03-15Abraham, des Alten Lehemans Sohn, ist erst an Michaelis 1666 in Satz gekommen und zahlt an Ostern 1667 das halbe Schutzgeld mit 8 fl. 30 Kr.
1667-04-21Abraham Jew Lehenman´s son in Stühlingen (sic) claims 10 fl.
1667-12-31Hönlin der arme Jud der früher in Horheim wohnte, Jägglin der Alte, Marum Jekoffs Sohn, Jonas, Seligmann, Kalmele, Menke, Lehmann, Schmule, Sandel, Abraham, Jäggeles Bruder
1668-01-01Extant protection fee of Hönlin, a poor Jew who has been living in Horheim before and last for a year in Stühlingen, 10 fl. On Easter 1667, the following 11 Jewish households paid a total of 187 fl. protection fee: Jägglin the Old (der Alte). Marum Jew Jeckhoff`s son. Jonas Jew. Seeligmann Jew. Kalmele Jew. Menckhen Jew. Jäggele his brother. Leheman Jew. Schmuli Jew. Sandel and Abraham Jews. The Jews at Tiengen are to pay 20 fl. for the thirteenth time. Marum and Schmuli Jews here are to deliver 2 fl. instead of two geese.
1668-03-15An Ostern 1668 je 17 fl. von Jägglin dem Alten, Marum Juden Jeckhoffen Sohn, Jonas, Seeligmann, Kalmele, Menckhe, Jäggelle seinem Bruder, Leheman, Schmuli, Sandel und Abraham.
1670-07-10Jacob Bufler is fined for beating and offending Abraham Jew.
1672-02-11Seeligmann and Abrahamb both Jews in Stühlingen acknowledge the payment of a claim.
1673-03-15An Ostern 1673 je 18 fl. Satzgeld laut neuen Satzbriefs von Jäggle dem Alten, Marum Jeckofen Sohn, Fromele seinem Sohn, Jonas, Seeligmann, Kallmele, Menckhe, Jäggele seinem Bruder, Lehmann, Schmuli, Sandel, Abraham und Model.
1673-04-26Lehmann representing Abrahamb Lehemanns Sohn sells a field for 70 fl.
1673-11-17Abraham Jew in Stühlingen, mutual account.
1674-01-22Hans Schalch owes Marum 52 fl., Abraham Jew 10 fl. and Kalmele Jew 8 fl.
1674-03-15Lehmann. Hirzle Lehmanns Sohn. Schmuli. Sandel. Abraham. Model.
1676-01-01The protection fee of Hönlin, a poor local Jew who does not conduct business, but keeps school, is 5 fl. only. The following protection fees were due on Easter 1676: Götschell Jew for (im Namen) late Old Jägglin. Marum Jew Jeckhoff`s son. Jonas Jew. Lew Jew Johnas` son. Seeligmann Jew. Kalmele Jew. Menckhe Jew. Jäggle Jew Menckhe`s brother. Leheman Jew. Hirzle Jew Leheman`s son. Schmuli Jew. Ißan Jew Schmuli`s son. Sandell Jew. Abraham Jew. Modell Jew. Total of 15 protected Jews are due to pay 270 fl.
1676-01-01Abraham Jew here sold tallow for 54 Kreuzer.
1676-03-15Satzgeld, je 18 fl. auf Ostern von Götschel im Namen des verstorbenen Alten Jägglins, Marum Jud Jeckhoffen Sohn, Jonas, Lew Jud Jonasen Sohn, Seeligmann, Kalmele, Menckhe, Jäggle Jud des Menckhen Bruder, Leheman, Hirzle Jud Lehemans Sohn, Schmuli, Isac Jud Schmulis Sohn, Sandell, Abrahamb, Modell.
1677-03-15An Ostern 1678 je 18 fl. von Marum Jud Jeckhoffen Sohn, Jonas, Lew Jud Jonasen Sohn, Seligman, Kalmele, Menckhe Juden Erben, Jäggele des Menckhes Bruder, Lehmann, Hirzle Jud Lehemans Sohn, Schmuli, Isac (Isar?) Jud Schmulins Sohn, Sandell, Abraham, Modell, Lämble Jud Seligmans Tochtermann.
1677-03-15je 18 fl. von Götschel, Marum Jud Jeckhoffen Sohn, Jonas, Lew Jud Jonasen Sohn, Seligman, Kallmele, Menckhes Erben, Jäggelle des Menckhen Bruder, Leheman, Hirtzle des Lehemans Sohn, Schmuli, Isac des Schmulins Sohn, Sandell, Abraham, Modell, Kassiel.
1677-03-22Abraham Jew of Stühlingen claims 22 fl.
1679-03-15An Ostern 1679 je 18 fl. von Marum Jud Jeckhoffen Sohn, Jonas, Lew Jud Jonasen Sohn, Seligman, Kalmele, Mayerle des Menckhe Sohn, Jäggele des Menckhes Bruder, Mayer Jud Lehmans Sohn, Hirtzle Jud Lehemans Sohn, Schmuli, Isac Jud Schmulins Sohn, Sandell, Abraham, Modell, Lämble.
1679-04-21Abraham Jew claims 28 fl.
1679-09-29A bloody brawl occurred between Jews Model, Abraham and Sandel, and some butchers.
1679-09-30Die Juden Model und Abraham sowie der Metzger Georg Faller von Stühlingen werden wegen Schlägerei um insgesamt 20 fl. 40 Kr. bestraft.
1680-05-09Hans Jerg Merckhle promises to pay a debt to Jews Sandell Weil and Abraham of Stühlingen soon.
1680-05-23Abraham of Stühlingen, claim.
1680-06-13Abraham Jew, deposited bull.
1680-06-21Abraham Jew is to be paid.
1680-07-04Claims by Abraham and Calmele with reference to the proceedings of 21.04.1679, 25.05.1679 and 06.07.1679.
1680-09-27Abraham is paid 22 fl.
1681-02-10and to Jew Abraham.
1681-03-11Mutual account between Thebus Albickher and Jews Model, Seeligmann, Abraham, Callmelin, Mayer Menckhin´s son and finally Marum.
1681-04-22Abraham Jew rents an appartement for two years.
1681-07-10Abraham Jew, claim.
1681-09-26Schmuli Jew Callmelin´s son has borrowed money from Jacob Schulsinger Jew in order to pay a debt and set jewelry as a pawn. Appears Schmuli´s wife and says this is her property. The oldest Jews in town, namely Seeligmännlein and Abrahamb, are interrogated about the Jewish laws about the wife´s dowry.
1681-12-04Abrahamb is to be paid.
1683-05-29The Jews are fined for putting their cattle into other personsď stables. The following men are listed: Salomon at Horheim. Abrahamb here. Leub, Marum Weil Sandelďs son. Jossel. Lämbel. Isaac. Sanndel. Elias. Joseph Calmelinďs son. Marum Weyl at Untereggingen. Schmuli Seeligmannďs son. Mausche.
1691-03-16Meyer, Abrahamďs son-in-law, buys two horses.
1691-07-02Meyer Levi Jew, Abrahamďs son-in-law, is fined for appearing before court without his coat (Rock), just in a shirt.
1692-04-01Abraham Jäckhlin, Model b. Leub (wohl Weil), Isaac Lemblin, Meyer b. Lehman Pickhart , Mausche und Meyer des Menggens Sohn (wohl Bloch), Schmuli, Jossel, Salomon Jackhlins Sohn, Marum Sandels Sohn (wohl Weyl), Jackhoff b. Calmelin (wohl Guggenheim), in unserer Statt Stüehlingen, auf das Land aber David b. Hürtzel (wohl Bickert), Elias Jüdele und Marum Weyl, Benjamin, SalomonDavid Jackhlins Sohn
1692-04-27Jew Meyer, Abrahamďs son-in-law, at Stühlingen is fined.
1692-06-17Meyer Jew Abrahamďs son-in-law, creditor.
1693-03-03Abrahamb, creditor.
1693-07-02Abrahamb Jew, receipt.
1693-07-03Abrahamb Jew, creditor.
1693-07-31Abrahamb Jew, agreement.
1694-04-11Continued: Mauschi Marum`s son-in-law. Schmuli the Tall (der Groß). Lemli Seeligmann`s son-in-law. Isaac Schmulin`s son. Schmuli Seeligmann`s son. Meyer Lehemann`s son. Model Jew. Abraham Jew. Joseph Calmulin`s son. At Eberfingen: Hürtzel Jew. David. At Untereggingen: Judele Weyhl. Marum Weyhl.
1695-01-01Schmuli Seligman`s son. Meyer Lehemann`s son. Model Jew. Abraham Jew. At Eberfingen: Hürtzel Jew. David Jew. Jekhoph Calmelin`s son. At Untereggingen: Judele Weyl. Marum Weyl. At Horheim: Salomon.
1695-03-16Several Jews acknowledge payment of debts by Hanns Grießer of Mauchen, namely Lew some 90 fl. Abraham 7 fl. Jakheli Meyer 6 fl. Jonas Marums Sohn 50 fl. Lemle and Jakhele Bikhart 184 fl. Calmeli´s heirs 50 fl Sandel 0 fl.
1695-04-03Isaac. Schmuli. Meyer Lehemann`s son. Model. Abraham. At Eberfingen: Hürtzel. David. Jakhoph. At Untereggingen: Judele Weyl. Marum Weyl. Others: Samuel Jew at Lauchringen. Israel Ulman of Tiengen.
1696-07-05Abraham, cession of a claim.
1697-01-07Abraham acknowledges payment.
1697-01-10The following Jews were fined for injuries: 1. Jossel from here and Samuel from Donaueschingen for quarrels about a Polish horse. 2. Jossel´s brother Abraham for participation. 3. His brother-in-law Model for getting involved, and he complained that many invectives were ejected against his brother Ephraim of Donaueschingen all day, whereas his son Moyses 4. charged Samuel with many crimes, as the father confirmed at the office today, whereas 5. Samuel tossed as glass of wine after him which hit his face. Samuel denies such, but it is certain that he was hit. 6. Hereupon a quarrel came up between Sandel and Model, with verbal injuries, and 7. Sandel´s son Marum mingled into this and tossed a jar of wine towards the body of Model who claims it has hit his chest which is still aching. Marum contradicts this. Model started to defend against Sandel, upon which 8. Jew Marum of Untereggingen held him back and pressed him on a bench. This is the event of the matter. At today´s interrogation of witnesses, 9. Model has accused Sandel of being a thief and having stolen 100 Dukaten from him, having issued a bond to Jew Liebermann in Heidelberg who now lives in Breisach, and he raises his children in theft. Model, Samuel, Sandel, Marum Sandels Sohn, and Marum of Untereggingen were then fined between 3 and 12 pounds.
1700-10-15Jossel Marums Sohn, Lemblin, Isaccs Witwe (null), Schmuli Seeligmann, Meyer Lehemanns Sohn, Model, Abrahamb, Hauser Sondels Vetter (halber Betrag), Marum Juden Witwe (null), Jonas Models Sohn, Hirtzel Isaccs Sohn, Feissel Leiben Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn (null, weil ihm auferlegt wurde, wegzuziehen).
1700-10-15Jossel Marums Sohn, Lemblin, Isaccs Witwe (Armut halber null), Schmuli Seeligmann, Meyer Lehemanns Sohn, Model, Abrahamb, Sandels lediger Vetter genannt Hauser (halber Betrag), Marums Witwe (großer Armut halber null), Jonas Models Sohn, Hirtzel Isaccs Sohn, Feissel Leiben Sohn.
1700-11-16Abrahamb wurde um 15 fl. bestraft, weil er gegen das Verbot seinen aus Haigerloch hinweg geschafften Tochtermann samt Frau und Kind beherbergt hat.
1702-09-13The Jews Salomon Jäckhlins Sohn and Abraham, both experienced in the Jewish ceremonies, have made a decision between Jossel Calmelins Sohn and the two daughters of his deceased brother Schmulin, namely Madele and Bessele. They consider just that Jossel provides a dowry of 25 florins for each of the daughters, as far as his own means reach and by collecting the rest from relatives. Jossel owes the two daughters 130 florins upon the proceedings of 23.11.1701 and is to pay the extant installments immediately. If Abraham Katz (sic), a Jew of Pforzheim, would have to come here once more in this matter, then Jossel will be obliged to refund him all the expenses.
1703-10-15Schmuli Seeligman, Meyer Lehemanns Sohn, Model, Abrahamb, Jonas Models Sohn, Hirtzel Isaccs Sohn, Fessel Leiben Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn, Tossel Schmulins Sohn (dermalen noch null),
1704-03-15Meyer Lehemanns Sohn, Model, Abrahamb, Jonas Models Sohn, Hirtzel Isaccs Sohn, Feissel Leiben Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn, Jossel Schmulins Sohn, Sandels lediger Vetter, Sandels Tochtermann (die letzten beiden je 5 fl.).
1704-10-15Je 10 fl. an Ostern zahlen Leib, Alt Jäckhle (null), Sandel (null), Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Salomon Jäckhlins Sohn (null), Joseph Callmelins Sohn, Meyer Menckhins Sohn, Mausche, Jossel Marums Sohn, Lemble, Schmule Seligmann, Meyer Lehemann, Model, Abrahamb,
1704-10-15Je 9 fl. an Michaelis zahlen Leib, Alt Jäckhle (null), Sandel (null), Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Salomon Jäckhlins Sohn (null), Joseph Callmelins Sohn, Jäckhoff Calmelins Sohn (null, weil abwesend), Meyer Menckhins Sohn, Mausche, Jossel Marums Sohn, Lemble, Schmule Seligmann, Meyer Lehemann, Model, Abrahamb,
1706-10-13Abrahamb (null, weilen er tot),

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