Identified Man

Tree Juda (Leib) ben Jonah, Gugenheimb is mentioned 240 times between 1673 and 1741. He died around 1728. His designation in the Stühlingen family tree is 'G1.4.1'. His father was Jonah (Jonas) ben Jacob, Gugenheimb.

Judah (Leib) ben Jonah was a pillar of the Stühlingen Jewish community. He was under protection from 1674 to 1733, the year he died [R3581; 12.31.1733]. His estate matters continued until 1741. He was very active in community matters, including serving as treasurer [R962; 06.25.1691]. He was involved in a variety of business activities and fined frequently for a variety of infractions. He had two sons: Chaim (Faistel) and Jonah [R3485; 02.27.1728]. Leib was the father-in-law of Salomon Weyl [R3527; 06.12.1736] and Joseph (Jopperle) ben Samuel GH [R1191; 08.27.1742]. .

1673-11-17Jonas Jew instead of his son Lew in Stühlingen loans 40 fl.
1674-03-15zahlten je 18 fl: Jäggle der Alt. Marum Jeckhoffen Sohn. Fromele sein Sohn. Jonas. Lew Jonasen Sohn. Seligmann. Kalmele. Menckhen. Jäggelle sein Bruder.
1675-03-15An Ostern 1675 je 18 fl. von Jäggle dem Alten, Marum Jud Jeckhoffen Sohn, Jonas, Lew Jud Jonasen Sohn, Seligman, Kalmele, Menckhen, Jäggele sein Bruder, Leheman, Hirzlin Jud Lehemans Sohn, Schmuli, Sandell, Modell.
1676-01-01The protection fee of Hönlin, a poor local Jew who does not conduct business, but keeps school, is 5 fl. only. The following protection fees were due on Easter 1676: Götschell Jew for (im Namen) late Old Jägglin. Marum Jew Jeckhoff`s son. Jonas Jew. Lew Jew Johnas` son. Seeligmann Jew. Kalmele Jew. Menckhe Jew. Jäggle Jew Menckhe`s brother. Leheman Jew. Hirzle Jew Leheman`s son. Schmuli Jew. Ißan Jew Schmuli`s son. Sandell Jew. Abraham Jew. Modell Jew. Total of 15 protected Jews are due to pay 270 fl.
1676-01-01(same category) Caffel Jew who has married around Michaelis day (29.09) 1676 is due 9 fl. protection fee for half a year. Menggen, Jäggele, Jonas and Lew delivered their owed geese, and the others paid 1 fl. each instead. Herzele and Davidt, both at Eberfingen, paid together 18 fl. protection fee. Isac and Boroch both at Endermettingen paid same. Lew Jew who has been living in Endermettingen since Michaelis is due 9 fl. for half a year. Jäggele, Benedict, and Jonas, all three at Ofteringen, and Cosman at Unterlauchringen are due 36 fl. together. The Jews at Tiengen are due 20 fl. Joß, Khauffman, Mayerle, and Judelle, all four Jews expelled from "Ettenen" (apparently Ettenheim) came here and applied for protection. Joß lived here for 7 weeks, Khauffman for 19 weeks, and the other two for 41 weeks, so they are due 43 fl. protection fee. Total amount of protection fee due: 476 fl.
1676-01-01Lew Jew at Stühlingen is fined 6 fl. for buying stolen cloth from some soldiers.
1676-03-15Satzgeld, je 18 fl. auf Ostern von Götschel im Namen des verstorbenen Alten Jägglins, Marum Jud Jeckhoffen Sohn, Jonas, Lew Jud Jonasen Sohn, Seeligmann, Kalmele, Menckhe, Jäggle Jud des Menckhen Bruder, Leheman, Hirzle Jud Lehemans Sohn, Schmuli, Isac Jud Schmulis Sohn, Sandell, Abrahamb, Modell.
1676-04-08Lew of Stühlingen is fined 10 pounds for buying stolen property.
1676-12-01Lew Jude zu Stühlingen wird um 6 fl. 40 Kr. bestraft, weil er von Dragonern einiges gestohlene Tuch gekauft hat.
1677-01-22Lew Jew claims 6 fl.
1677-03-15je 18 fl. von Götschel, Marum Jud Jeckhoffen Sohn, Jonas, Lew Jud Jonasen Sohn, Seligman, Kallmele, Menckhes Erben, Jäggelle des Menckhen Bruder, Leheman, Hirtzle des Lehemans Sohn, Schmuli, Isac des Schmulins Sohn, Sandell, Abraham, Modell, Kassiel.
1677-03-15An Ostern 1678 je 18 fl. von Marum Jud Jeckhoffen Sohn, Jonas, Lew Jud Jonasen Sohn, Seligman, Kalmele, Menckhe Juden Erben, Jäggele des Menckhes Bruder, Lehmann, Hirzle Jud Lehemans Sohn, Schmuli, Isac (Isar?) Jud Schmulins Sohn, Sandell, Abraham, Modell, Lämble Jud Seligmans Tochtermann.
1678-10-19A general decree about the format of the Jewish trespassing permits. With mention of all the Jews in Stühlingen, namely Marum Gugenum, Jonele Gugenum, Schmule Seligmendle, Calmele, Jäckhele, Sandl, Abrahamb, Model, Lemble Isaac, Leib Jonelins Sohn, Maier Jud Menckhins Sohn, Maier Jud Lehmans Sohn, and Hirtzell. A long text with many terms.
1679-03-15An Ostern 1679 je 18 fl. von Marum Jud Jeckhoffen Sohn, Jonas, Lew Jud Jonasen Sohn, Seligman, Kalmele, Mayerle des Menckhe Sohn, Jäggele des Menckhes Bruder, Mayer Jud Lehmans Sohn, Hirtzle Jud Lehemans Sohn, Schmuli, Isac Jud Schmulins Sohn, Sandell, Abraham, Modell, Lämble.
1679-06-08Small payments to Aberhamb, Kallmele and Lew.
1680-03-14Lew Jew of Stühlingen asks to enregister a claim.
1680-03-15Je 18 fl. zahlen Sandel, Mayerlin Jud Menckhins Sohn, Jonas, Löw Jud Jonasen Sohn, Calmelen, Marum Jud Jeckhoffen Sohn, Jäckhle Jud Menckhis Bruder, Mayer Jud Lehmanns Sohn, Seeligmann, Schmulin, Lämle Jud Seeligmanns Tochtermann, Abraham, Model, Isac Jud Schmulis Sohn, Hürtzle Jud Lehemans Sohn, Abraham Jud von „Etten“.
1680-03-21Lew Jew claims payment for a bull.
1680-04-01Hans Berger of Mauchen owes Lew Jew 48 fl.
1681-01-01Jewish protection fee (18 fl. each) is paid by the following in Stühlingen: Sandel. Meyerlin Menckhin`s son. Jonas. Lew Jonas`son. Calmelin. Marum Jeckhov`s son. Jäkhlin Menkhin`s brother. Meyer Jew Lehman`s son. Seeligmann. Schmulin. Lämblin Seeligmann`s sonin-law. Abrahamh. Model. Isaac Schmulin`s son. Hürtzel Lehmann`s son. Abrahamb from "Ettenen" (apparently Ettenheim). Every one of them also paid 1 fl. instead of supplying a goose.
1681-01-01Jew Lew Jonas` son is fined 6 fl. for buing a polecat (probably shot by a poacher). Simon Prackh, sheriff at Eberfingen, is fined for beating Veit Weil Jew at Hofwies.
1681-02-27Lew is to be paid.
1682-02-03Jacob Würth of Untereggingen owes Jew Marum 71 fl. He makes a down payment of 50 fl. to Jew Leib Joneles Sohn.
1682-03-03Leu Jew Jonas Sohn claims 20 fl.
1682-04-15Calmele and Leib, mutual account.
1683-05-29The Jews are fined for putting their cattle into other personsď stables. The following men are listed: Salomon at Horheim. Abrahamb here. Leub, Marum Weil Sandelďs son. Jossel. Lämbel. Isaac. Sanndel. Elias. Joseph Calmelinďs son. Marum Weyl at Untereggingen. Schmuli Seeligmannďs son. Mausche.
1684-05-29Ursula Rueff née Preyser in Mauchen conveys her propety, with the following Jewish claims: Marum 18 fl. Lew 10 fl. Calmele 8 fl. Seligmann 6 fl. Meyerlin 13 fl.
1684-05-31Leib has a claim inscribed.
1684-12-13Jew Leb (also Leib), quarrel after a horse trade.
1686-03-13The following Jews make mutual accounts with Hans Grieser of Mauchen: Seeligmann, Lew, Meyerlin Lehemans Sohn, Schmuhli Calmelis Sohn.
1686-04-01Margretha Gluntzer, the widow of Hans Jacob Hürlinger in Hallau, says late Jew Menckhin in Stühlingen has loaned her husband 10 fl. and took a silver cup as a pawn. Menckhin did not return it, but passed it to Jew Leb who is married with his sister´s daughter. Leb has collected the interest for some years. The widow has now found a receipt whereas the credit had been paid back in 1670. (A long matter).
1686-08-13Leib has acquired a claim against his father Jonas.
1686-10-15Penalties in Stühlingen: Schmuli Callmelins Sohn. Sandels Jew´s son. Hirtzlin´s servant and Jäglin´s son. Davidt Jäglins Sohn, Meyerlin Menckhens Sohn, Jonas unmarried Marums Sohn, Jossel Marums Sohn. Jossel Jew, Meyer Lehemanns Sohn, and Callmelin. Jäckoff Marums Sohn. Jonas unmarried Marumbs Sohn. Seeligmann´s servant and Callmelin´s boy. Jäglins Sohn, Callmelins Sohn and Marumns Jossel. Schmuhli Callmelins Sohn and Jossel Marumnbs Sohn. Seeligmanns servant, Jossel Marumbs boy, Jäglin´s boy, Callmelin and Hürtzel. Lew. Seeligmanns son B(ar?)uch unmarried. The boys of Isaac and Callmelin Schmuhlins Sohn. Jew Hürtzlen Schwartz. The boys of Schmuhlin Callmelins Sohn, Jossel Marums and Jäglin. The servant of Hürtzlen Schwartz. The boy of Sandel.
1686-10-15The following are fined 1 fl. each because their cattle or horses damaged the tithe sheaves: Sandel, Lew, Seeligmann, Jäglin, Meyer Lehemanns Sohn, Callmelin, Schmulin Callmelins Sohn, Schmuhlin Seligmans Sohn, Meyer Menckhins Sohn, Jossel Marums Sohn, Schmuhlin der Gross, Isaac Schmuhlins Sohn. Mausche Menckhins Sohn let his horse run unattended.
1686-10-15Bei Jahrgericht in Stühlingen wurden bestraft Hirzlens Knecht, Seeligmanns Knecht, Calmelins Bub, ferner Jaglin, Calmelin und Jossel, ferner Hürzlin, dieser nochmals zusammen mit Sandel, ferner Sandel, Lew, Seeligmann, Jäglin, Meyer Lehmanns Sohn, Callmelin, Schmulin Callm. Sohn, Schmuli Seeligmans Sohn, Meyer Menckhins Sohn, Jossel Marums Sohn, Schmulin der Groß und Isac Schmulins Sohn.
1686-12-13Lew, mutual account.
1687-02-27Jew Löb, claim.
1687-03-15Jeweils 18 fl. zahlen Meyerlin Menckhins Sohn, Lew Jonasen Sohn, Calmelin, Schmulin Calmelis Sohn, Alt Marum (ist gestorben, also null), Jeckhoff Marums Sohn, Jekhlin Menckhins Bruder, Davidt erstgemelten Jeglis Sohn, Meyer Lehemans Sohn, Seligman, Schmuli Seligmans Sohn, Schmuli der Große, Lämblin Seligmans Tochtermann, Abraham, Model, Isac Schmulis Sohn, Hürtzle Lehemans Sohn, Jossel Marums Sohn, Mausche Marums Tochtermann.
1687-03-15Jeweils 18 fl. zahlen Meyerlin Menckhins Sohn, Lew Jonasen Sohn, Calmelin, Schmulin Calmelis Sohn, Alt Marum (ist gestorben, also null), Jeckhoff Marums Sohn, Jekhlin Menckhins Bruder, Davidt erstgemelten Jeglis Sohn, Meyer Lehemans Sohn, Seligman, Schmuli Seligmans Sohn, Schmuli der Große, Lämblin Seligmans Tochtermann, Abraham, Model, Isac Schmulis Sohn, Hürtzle Lehemans Sohn, Jossel Marums Sohn, Mausche Marums Tochtermann.
1688-04-09Jacob Simon the Jewish schoolmaster had a quarrel with he local Jews Model, Leib, Isac, Lemblin, Schmulin Seligmannďs son, and Schmuli Calmelinďs son. The schoolmaster is to teach the children the books Moses and reading and writing and get certain payment.
1690-05-02Salomon at Horheim, creditor. Leib here, same.
1690-05-23Löw, ledger.
1690-06-02Löw, bull trade.
1691-01-13Jews Lew and Jägglin at Stühlingen have inherited claims from Kehlen the widow of Old Jacklin.
1691-01-19Löw, cow trade.
1691-01-31Löw, cession of a claim.
1691-04-06Löw, creditor.
1691-06-25The foremen of the Jews are appointed. Sandel is the first one and is to spread orders to the Jews, Model is to write and Löw is to collect the revenues.
1691-09-29Protection fee at Michaelis (29.09) 1690, 9 fl. each: Sandel (is exempted). Callmel. Schmulin the Tall (der große). Jäckhlin Mencke`s brother. Abrahamb. Model. Isaac Schmulin`s son. Lew. Meyer Lehmann`s son. Meyer Mencke`s son. Lemmle. Schmulin Selgman`s son. Schmulin Callmel`s son. Moyses Mencke`s son. Davidt Jägglin`s son. Elias Jägglin`s son.
1691-09-29The following are thus due to pay 10 fl. each: Jägglin Meyer. Abrahamb. Model. Isac Schmulin`s son. Löw. Meyer Lehmann`s son. Meyer Mencke`s son. Lemmle. Schmul Selgmann`s son. Schmul Callmel`s son. Moyses Mencke`s son. Davidt Jägglin`s son. Elias Jäglin`s son. Salomon Jägglin`s son. Joßel Marum`s son. Jekoph Marum`s son. Marum`s widow and her son Jonas. Jeckoff Callmel`s son who has moved in from Eberfingen.
1692-01-01Jew Leibel supplied a goose.
1692-01-11Jew Löw, creditor.
1692-02-28Jew Löw borrows money.
1692-04-11Jew Löw at Stühlingen loans money.
1692-05-09Jew Leub at Stühlingen, ledger.
1692-06-09Schmuli Gugenheimb and Leub Gugenheimb as guardians of Schmuli Kalmelinďs children (sic!) Jäckhof Kalmelinďs son have made an agreement with their brother-in-law Salomon Gedeon of Hechingen, who files a claim in behalf of his wife, their sister. The defendants do now own property, so plaintiff may have a mortgage registered on their house. A quarrel between them and Joseph, Calmelins son, is being referred to the Jewish ceremonies.
1692-07-12Löw Jew, ledger.
1692-11-17Leob, cession.
1692-11-17Leub Jew at Stühlingen, cession.
1692-12-18Leub Jew in Stühlingen buys a garden at Mauchen.
1692-12-18Leub Jew at Stühlingen buys a garden in Mauchen.
1693-02-19Jew Leb, creditor.
1693-03-10Jacob Rebmann and Jew Leub are fined for defraud in the Hegel bankruptcy matter.
1693-03-13Leib Jew, creditor.
1693-03-13Leub Jew, creditor.
1693-05-08Leub Jew, cession.
1693-05-15Jew Lewb, creditor.
1693-08-05Leub Jew, confiscated goat.
1693-08-28The wife of Leub Jew is fined.
1694-01-01Jew Leib bought back a confiscated goat. The wife of Jew Leib was fined for verbal injuries.
1694-01-01The following were fined at the annual court session in Stühlingen: Lew, Seeligman, David Jäckhlin`s son, Lew and Marum`s boy, Lew, Isaac, Lew, Isac, Judi school-knocker, Jonas.
1694-02-19Leib, deposited cattle.
1694-02-19Claims by Leib, Model and (on the margin: Joseph) Salmelins Sohn.
1694-03-02Leib, mutual account.
1694-04-11Jews at Stühlingen paying protection fee: Jew Marum`s widow (half fee). Jekhoph Marum`s son. Elias Jackhlin`s son. David Jäckhlin`s son. Lew Jonas` son. Jackhlin Jew. Sandel Weyl Jew. Marum Weyl, for the first time on Easter 1694. Salomon Jäckhlin`s son. Joseph Calmulin`s son from Michael`s day 9 fl. and from Easter 4 fl. as he is unmarried. Meyer Menckhin`s son. (Added in behind:) Jossel Jew Marum`s son.
1694-05-11Leib Jew buys a piece of grassland below his house.
1694-12-11Leib, agreement about a claim.
1694-12-17Leib, horse trade matter.
1695-01-01Penalty of Jekhoph Calmelin`s son. Jew Leub. Mausche Meyer. Jew Lew again. Judele Weyl.
1695-01-01Jäckhlin sold meat to the court, Lemle sold nails and cloth, soap, silk, and linen. Schmuli Seligman`s son sold a calf. Lew sold veal.
1695-01-0122.04/1696 Protection fee paid by the following at Stühlingen: Elias Jackhlin`s son. David Jackhlin`s son. Lew Jonas` son. Jackhlin Jew. Sandel Weyl. Marum Weyl. Salomon Jäckhlin`s son. Joseph Calmelin`s son (half fee). Meyer Menckin`s son. Mauschi Marum`s son-in-law. Jossel Marum`s son. Lemli Jew. Isac Schmulin`s son.
1695-01-0122.04/1696 Protection fee paid by the following at Stühlingen: Elias Jackhlin`s son. David Jackhlin`s son. Lew Jonas` son. Jackhlin Jew. Sandel Weyl. Marum Weyl. Salomon Jäckhlin`s son. Joseph Calmelin`s son (half fee). Meyer Menckin`s son. Mauschi Marum`s son-in-law. Jossel Marum`s son. Lemli Jew. Isac Schmulin`s son.
1695-01-04The boy of Seligman Schmulin. The son of Joseph Callmelin. The son of Jossel Marum. The son of Johnas Marumb. Isac Bickhart. Mausche. Lew. Sandel. His son Marum. Abraham. Schmuli Seligman`s son. Jew Jakhlin`s son. Jossel Jew (twice). Jossel`s boy. Calmelin`s son Joseph (all at Stühlingen on.
1695-03-16Several Jews acknowledge payment of debts by Hanns Grießer of Mauchen, namely Lew some 90 fl. Abraham 7 fl. Jakheli Meyer 6 fl. Jonas Marums Sohn 50 fl. Lemle and Jakhele Bikhart 184 fl. Calmeli´s heirs 50 fl Sandel 0 fl.
1695-04-03Protection fee paid by the following at Stühlingen: Elias Jägglin`s son. David Jägglin`s son. Lew Jonas` son. Jägglin Jew. Sandel. Marum Weyl Sandel`s son. Salomon Sandel`s son-in-law. Joseph Calmelin`s son (half fee). Meyer Menckin`s son. Mauschi. Jossel. Lemli.
1695-04-03Protection fee paid by the following at Stühlingen: Elias Jägglin`s son. David Jägglin`s son. Lew Jonas` son. Jägglin Jew. Sandel. Marum Weyl Sandel`s son. Salomon Sandel`s son-in-law. Joseph Calmelin`s son (half fee). Meyer Menckin`s son. Mauschi. Jossel. Lemli.
1695-04-12Lew alias Leub, claim.
1695-05-13Jew Leib, mutual account.
1695-05-31Leib Jew, several claims.
1695-06-22Leib loans money to two peasants.
1696-01-01Same for Joseph Calmelin`s son. Jekhoph. Isac Bikharth. Mausche. Jossel. Lew. Marum. Salomon Sandel`s son. Jossel again.
1696-03-30Leib Jew, claim.
1697-01-01Lew Jew, same for 2 days.
1697-04-07Protection fee at Stühlingen. Elias Jäckhlin`s son. David Jacklin`s son. Lew Jonas` son. Jäckhlin Jew. Sandel Weyhl. Marum Weyhl. Salomon Jäckhlin`s son. Joseph Calmelin`s son (half fee). Meyer Menckhin`s son. Mauschel. Jossel.
1697-04-07Protection fee at Stühlingen. Elias Jäckhlin`s son. David Jacklin`s son. Lew Jonas` son. Jäckhlin Jew. Sandel Weyhl. Marum Weyhl. Salomon Jäckhlin`s son. Joseph Calmelin`s son (half fee). Meyer Menckhin`s son. Mauschel. Jossel.
1697-04-19Leib Jew, mutual account.
1697-04-26Leib, agreement about interest from a mortgage.
1698-04-21Sebastian Ammann is late in paying back a credit to Leib Jew.
1698-12-22Leib Jew claims payment for grain. A mutual account is being made.
1699-01-07Jew Leib, mutual account with Mathias Schäntzle.
1699-03-20Leib Jew acknowledges payment.
1699-04-03Margam, widow of Marum, transfers a claim of 3 fl. to Leib Jew.
1699-04-19Protection fee paid at Stühlingen. David Jäckhlin`s son. Leib. Jäckhlin. Sandel. Marum Sandel`s son. Salomon Jäckhlin`s son (exempted according to a decree of 28.10.1698).
1699-05-05Leib Jew cedes a claim to his son Feistel.
1699-10-10Mausche Mayer got into a quarrel about a debt with Leib in the synagogue and beat him bloody. Leib´s wife is fined for beating Mausche in the Synagogue.
1700-01-21Leib Jew claims 42 fl. from Johannes Wirth, baker.
1700-05-14Leib, claim of 50 fl. with reference to the proceedings of 21.04.1698.
1700-10-15Jeder schutzverwandte Jude gibt an Michaelis 9 fl., nämlich David Jaklins Sohn, Leib, Jäkhlin (durch Dekret vom 03.10.1700 entlassen, vermutlich im Sinne von nachgelassen), Sandel (ebenso), Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Salomon Jäkhlins Sohn (ebenfalls null), Joseph Callmelins Sohn, Jäkhoff Callmelins Sohn, Jäkhoff Marums Sohn, Meyer Menkhins Sohn, Mausche,
1700-10-15Weitere 10 fl. waren an Ostern zu bezahlen, und zwar durch David Jäckhlins Sohn, Leib, Alt Jäckhlin (aus Gnaden erlassen), Sandel (ebenso), Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Salomon Jäkhlins Sohn (ebenfalls erlassen), Joseph Callmelins Sohn (war nicht hier, also null), Jäkhoff Callmelins Sohn,
1700-12-31David Jäcklins Sohn, Leib, Jäcklin (befreit), Sandel (befreit), Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Salomon Jäcklins Sohn, Josef Calmelins Sohn, Jükoff Calmelins Sohn, Jükoff Marums Sohn,Mayer Menkins Sohn, Mausche, Jossel, Marums Sohn, Lemblin, Isak W. befr., Schmule Seligmann, Mayer Lehmanns Sohn, Model, Abraham, Sandels legiger Vetter Feuss genannt, Marum W. befr., Jonas Models Sohn, Hirzel Isaks Sohn, Feissel Leibs Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn
1701-02-11Jew Lew of Stühlingen, claim after a bull trade.
1701-02-16Basche Hotz of Mauchen is fined for offending Leib Jew.
1701-02-25Leib Jew sells a horse and accepts a field as a pawn for payment.
1701-06-21Joseph Scholli tailor, Mathias Eychmann and Leib Jew own a house and live under one roof. They got into a quarrel about construction matters. (A very long case).
1702-06-20Leib claims 24 fl.
1702-11-12Hans Georg Newenburger, barber, owes Leib Jew 100 fl. for three cows, money and grain.
1702-11-12Leib is sued for payment of 100 fl.
1703-05-27Jew Leib acknowledges payment.
1703-10-15Je 9 fl. an Michaelis zahlen aus Stühlingen Leib, Alt Jäkhle (aus Gnaden null), David Jakhlins Sohn, Sandel (aus Gnaden null), Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Salomon Jäckhlins Sohn (aus Gnaden null), Joseph Callmelins Sohn, Jakhoff Calmelins Sohn, Jäkhoff Marums Sohn, Meyer Menckhins Sohn, Mausche, Jossel Marums Sohn, Lemble,
1703-11-09Leib, claim after a cow trade, and some more entries about this man.
1704-03-15Auf Ostern zahlen die Juden 10 fl., nämlich in Stühlingen Leib, Alt Jäkhle (aus Gnaden null), Sandel (ebenso), Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Salomon Jäkhlins Sohn (aus Gnaden null), Joseph Callmelins Sohn, Jäkhoff Callmelins Sohn, Jäkhoff Marums Sohn, Meyer Menckhins Sohn, Mausche, Jossel Marums Sohn, Lemble, Schmuli Seeligmann,
1704-10-15Je 9 fl. an Michaelis zahlen Leib, Alt Jäckhle (null), Sandel (null), Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Salomon Jäckhlins Sohn (null), Joseph Callmelins Sohn, Jäckhoff Calmelins Sohn (null, weil abwesend), Meyer Menckhins Sohn, Mausche, Jossel Marums Sohn, Lemble, Schmule Seligmann, Meyer Lehemann, Model, Abrahamb,
1704-10-15Je 10 fl. an Ostern zahlen Leib, Alt Jäckhle (null), Sandel (null), Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Salomon Jäckhlins Sohn (null), Joseph Callmelins Sohn, Meyer Menckhins Sohn, Mausche, Jossel Marums Sohn, Lemble, Schmule Seligmann, Meyer Lehemann, Model, Abrahamb,
1704-10-27Session of the peasants´ court in Stühlingen: Mausche and Salomon Jud Sandels Sohn are fined 10 pounds for offending the mayor. Mausche is fined 1 pound. The widow of Isaac is fined for taking firewood from the bailiff´s garden. Joseph Calmelins Sohn is fined for selling leather on a Sunday. Leib and Seeligmann Schmuli are fined for dealing on a Sunday. Mayr Bückhert is fined for causing damage to Stoffel Krettler.
1705-04-08Leib claims 105 fl.
1705-04-30Lew, claims.
1705-10-23Leib, claim.
1706-10-13Leib Jud, Schirm- und Satzgeld: 15 fl
1711-12-31Leib, Sandel, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Marum, Salomon Jäcklins Sohn, Josef Calmelins Sohn ist tot, Jükoff Calmelins Sohn, Leible Jükoffen Sohn, Mayer Menkens Sohn Bloch genannt, Mausche, Josel marums Sohn, Lemle, Schmule Seligmann, Mayer Lehmann, Jonas Models Sohn, Feissel Leib Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn, Josel Sandels Tochtermann, Josel Schmulins Sohn, Marum Lemlins Sohn, Isaac Nirhert Abrahams Sohn, Menkhe Bloch Mayers Sohn, Lehmann Birkert
1712-01-25Marum Weyl Sandels Sohn, Sandel Weyl, Leib Gugenheim, Meyer Bickhert, Lemble Weil, Meyer Bloch, Samuel Gugenheimb, Salomon Bloch, Moyses Bloch, Salomon Weyl, Sandels Sohn, Hirtzle Bickhert, Jonas Weyl, Joseph Gugenheim Samuels Sohn, Josel Gugenheim,Lehm Biggert, Menkhle Bloch, Isac Bickhert, Lewel Gugenheim, Veith Gugenheim, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann, Abrahamb Gugenheim,Daniel Biggert, Davit Vorsinger, Jacob Gugenheimb,Marum Lembles Sohn, Elias Meyer, Jakkele Meyer, Elias Weyl, Isac Bernheim, MoysesWeyl, Menggen Bloch, Judas Weyl
1713-09-07Meyer Bloch 2 fl. Hirtzel Bickert 2 fl. Meyer Bloch the old 2 fl. Leib Jew 2 fl. Lehman Meyer 2 fl. Penalty.
1714-10-15An Michaelis 1714 in Stühlingen je 9 fl. von Leib, Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Jähkoff Marms Sohn, Mayer Menckhins Sohn, Mausche, Jossel Marms Sohn, Lemble Alt, Schmuli Seligman, Mayer Leheman, Isaac Abrahamen Sohn, Jossel Sandels Tochtermann, Jonas Models Sohn, Hirtzel Isaacen Sohn, Faistel Leiben Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn,
1714-12-10Leib, Mayer Bickhert und Faistel 10 fl. wegen heimlicher Ausfuhr von Vieh.
1715-03-15Ostern 1715 in Stühlingen je10 fl. von Leib, Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Jackhoff Marms Sohn, Mayer Menckhins Sohn, Mausche, Jossel Marms Sohn, Lemble Alt, Schmuli Seligmann, Mayer Leheman, Isaac Abrahamen Sohn, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann, Jonas Models Sohn, Hürtzel Isaacs Sohn, Faistel Leiben Sohn,
1715-10-15Satzgelder der Juden, 9 fl. an Michaelis in Stühlingen von Leib Jud, Marum Jud, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Mayer Menckin Sohn Bloch, Mausche Alt, Josell Marums Sohn, Lemble Alt, Schmule Seeligmann, Meyer Lehman Bickert, Isac Abrahamben Sohn, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann (4,5 fl.), Jonas Models Sohn, Hirtzel Isac Sohn, Faissell Leiben Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn, Josell Lang Schmulis Sohn, Marum Lemblins Sohn, Menckin Bloch, Leheman Bickert Meyers Sohn, Elias Jud, Israel Meyer Eliasen Sohn, in Eberfingen von Jäggele Hirtzels Sohn, in Horheim von Davidt Jäggelins Sohn, Jud Mencken, Meyer Bernheimb, Elias Boll, Jüdelle Weyl, Isac Jud Beniamins Sohn, Menckin Meyer.
1715-10-15An Michaelis 1715 je 9 fl. von Leib, Marum, Salomon Sandels Tochtermann, Mayer Menckin Sohn Bloch, Mauschi alt, Josel Marums Sohn, Lemble alt, Schmule Seeligman, Meyer Lehman Bickert, Isac Abrahams Sohn, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann, Jonas Models Sohn, Hirtzel Isac Sohn, Faisell Leiben Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn, Josell Lang(en) Schmullis Sohn, Marum Lemblis Sohn, Menckin Bloch, Lehmann Bickert Mayers Sohn.
1716-03-15Satzgelder der Juden, 10 fl. an Ostern in Stühlingen von Leib Jud, Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Mayer Menckin Sohn Bloch, Mausche Alt, Josell Marum Sohn, Lemble Alt, Schmueli Seeligmann, Meyer Lehman Bickert, Isacc Abrahamben Sohn, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann (5 fl.), Jonas Models Sohn, Hirtzelle Isac Sohn, Faissel Leiben Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn, Josell Lang Schmulis Sohn, Marum Lemblin Sohn, Menckin Bloch, Leheman Bickert Mayers Sohn, Elias Jud, Israel Meyer Eliasen Sohn, in Eberfingen von Jäggelle Hirtzels Sohn, in Horheim von Davidt Jäckhelin Sohn, Jud Menckin, Mencken Bruder Meyer Bernheimb, Elias Boll, Jüdelle Weyl, Isacc Jud Beniamins Sohn, Menckin Meyer.
1716-03-15An Ostern 1716 je 10 fl. von Leib, Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Mayer Menckins Sohn Bloch, Mausche Alt, Josell Marums Sohn, Lemble Alt, Schmule Seeligmann, Mayer Lehemann Bickert, Isac Abrahamen Sohn, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann, Jonas Models Sohn, Hirtzele Isac Sohn, Faissel Leiben Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn, Josell Lang Schmulins Sohn, Marum Lemlins Sohn, Menckin Bloch, Lehmann Bickert Mayers Sohn.
1717-06-11Leib Jud mit seinen Söhnen, Faissel und Jonas, Sandel Jud mit seinen Söhnen Marum und Salomon, Jossel Schmulens Sohn, Menckhe und Mayer Bernheimb,Elias Mayer, Lehman und Jsac Bickhcrt, Mayer Bloch, Menelins Sohn, Rabbiner Salomon Bloch so Satzgeld frei
1718-01-18Leib claims 164 fl. according to the proceedings of 05.07.1716.
1718-03-06Leib owes 47 fl.
1719-11-21Leib Jew claims 8 fl.
1719-11-21Marum Weyhl and Leib Jew declare they have no more claims to a debtor.
1720-03-15Leib, transfer of a claim.
1720-04-12Leib Guggengeimb claims 21 fl.
1720-05-14Leib claims 50 fl.
1720-05-24Leib claims 36 fl.
1720-11-08Leib is fined for having had an open light in the stable. He excuses that his servant was away with the lantern.
1721-01-17Leib Guggenheimb claims 50 fl.
1721-01-28In the marriage contract of Hans Stuckhe of Unterwangen, the following debts are mentioned: Jew Marum 400 fl. Jew Leib 202 fl. Jew Josel 28 fl. Jew Jonas, because 50 fl. belonged to him each from Jew Marum and from his father Leib, interest 7 fl. Jew Faistel 2 fl.
1721-02-17Leib Jew claims 64 fl.
1721-05-16Leib claims 60 fl.
1721-07-01Leib, Marum Weyl, Salomon Weyl, Mayer Bloch, Mayer Birkert, Lehmann Birkert, Isaac Abrahams Sohn, Feissel Leibs Sohn, Jonas Leibs Sohn, Josel des langen Schmule Sohn, Elias, Lemle Weyl, Mayer Weyl von Horheim ist nach Wangen gezogen
1721-09-29Protection fee of the Jews (9 fl. each at St. Michael`s day 1721 unless otherwise indicated): Leib, Marum, Salomon, Meyer, Meyer Bickert (4« fl.), Lehemann Bickert, Isac Abraham`s son, Faistel Leib`s son, Jonas Leib`s son, Josell Lang Schmulin`s son, Elias Jud, Lemble Weyl.
1721-10-10Jonas is not gifted (begabt) with childen. Upon request of his father Leib, he is allowed to accept his sister´s girl by the name Vögelin as a maidservant. In reverse, Leib promises to have neither his daughter nor a girl from her in his house any longer.
1721-10-21Leib has deposited (verstellt) a cow at Joseph Rössler. The cow came back limping from the pasture. The herdsman says the cow was attacked by a bull.
1721-12-09Leib Guggenheimb sells a house and vegetable garden in Untereggingen for 165 fl.
1721-12-12Leib Guggenheimb claims 100 fl.
1722-01-09Leib Jew, decision about a claim.
1722-03-03Leib has loaned out 60 fl.
1722-03-13Claims of Leib and Faistel.
1722-03-20Leib, two claims.
1722-03-20Leib Gugenheimb claims payment of 105 fl.
1722-04-29Leib, deposited bull.
1722-09-04Considering that the Jewish community could not come to an internal agreement about providing hourse for official tasks, one has grouped the Jews into three categories. Category one is to provide three horses in turn and includes Leib Gugenheimb and Marum Weyl. Category two provides two horses and includes Joseph Gugenheimb, Salomon Weyl, Mayr Bloch, Faistel Gugenheimb, Jonas Gugenheimb, Isaac Bikhert, Lehemann Bikhert, and Elias Mayr. Category three provides one horse and includes Joseph Gugenheimb Sandels Tochtermann and Schmule Weyl Lemblins Sohn. With details about their duties (horses on which an honest man will not break his neck; whoever does not own a horse is to borrow one; about the sequence of presentation; etc.)
1722-10-15An Michaelis 1722 je 9 fl. aus Stühlingen von Leib, Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Meyer Bloch Menckin Sohn, Meyer Bickert, Lehmann Bickert, Isac Abrahamben Sohn, Faisel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Josell Lang Schmulin Sohn, Elias, Lemble Weyl Alt, Meyer Weil Judellin Sohn.
1723-01-12Jacob Mayer of Horheim owes Jew Salomon Weyl in Stühlingen 20 fl. which originate from his fatherin-law Leib.
1723-01-19Jonas Gugenheimb claims 117 fl. This does not include 84 fl. which debtor, according to a description of Jewish claims of Aug. 1716 (vermög der Juden Schulden Beschreibung) had owed to Jew Leib before and was assigned (verwiesen) to Jonas. The claims are secured by mortgages.
1723-01-26A claim of Jew Leib is secured by a mortgage.
1723-02-26A claim of 42 fl. was transferred from Leib to his son Jonas Gugenheimb.
1723-03-08Leib, Jonas, Feistel, Marum, Salamon, Meyer Bloch, Menke Bloch, Lehman Bikert, Jsac Bikert, Meyer Bloch jung, Lang Jossel (Guggenheim), Elias Meyer, Marum Weyl allhier in Donaueschingen , (und Meyer Weyl zu Horheimb)
1723-03-15Ostern 1723 je 10 fl. von Leib, Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon, Meyer Bloch Menckin Sohn, Meyer Bickert,
1723-04-02Adam Basler owes Isaac Bickhert Abrahamb Juden Sohn 70 fl. according to the proceedings of 25.02.1706 and 16.04.1706. Creditor now cedes this claim to Leib Gugenheimb like a payment.
1723-05-20Leib Gugenheimb loans out 15 fl.
1723-05-22Leib Gugenheimb cedes a claim of 30 fl. to his son Jonas.
1723-07-06Claims by Leib, Faistel, and Jonas Gugenheimb.
1723-09-06Josel Levi, protected Jew in Sulz, was in the Adler (inn) in the presence of Jews Leib and Marum Weyl both protected Jews and of Schmuli Gugenheimb and his son Langjossel. He accused Langjossel of not supporting his father (Vatter, probably not Vetter) said Schmuli and his mother who are to move about in the country in deepest poverty for considerable time. Due to the natural and divine law, Jossel is obliged to support his parents, so plaintiff as a brother of Jossel´s mother applies that the court sentences him to maintain his parents. Defendant replies that he is not the only child, but has three siblings, namely Seeligmann in Gailingen, Lia in Sulz and Schönele in Bolsheim in Alsace, disregarding the other relatives. He is willing to contribute to board and clothes for his parents, but one cannot demand that solely he comes up with that as he needs his things for himself and has nine living children. He proposes (appeal to) the Jewish ceremonies if plaintiff Josel is not content with this declaration. Josel Levi replies that defendant is the oldest born child and thus obliged to maintain the parents, and collect contributions from his younger siblings. It is not feasible to maintain the parents at separate and alternating places. Josel again wants to convey this matter to the Jewish ceremonies. Interim decision: Langjossel is given a month time to make an agreement with his siblings about the maintainance of their parents, or let this be disputed by the Jewish ceremonies, to avoid 10 Reichstaler penalty.
1723-10-15An Michaelis 1723 je 9 fl. aus Stühlingen von Leib, Marum, Salomon, Meyer Bloch Menckin Sohn, Meyer Bickert, Lehmann Bickert, Isac Abrahamben Sohn, Faisel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Josell Lang Schmulin Sohn, Elias, Lemble Weyl Alt, Meyer Weil Jüdelin Sohn, Menckin Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann.
1724-03-15An Ostern 1724 je 10 fl. von Leib, Marum, Salomon, Meyer Bloch Menckin Sohn, Meyer Bickert, Leheman Bickert, Isac Abrahamben Sohn, Faisel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Josell Lang Schmulin Sohn, Elias, Lemble Weyl Alt, Mayer Weyl Jüdellin Sohn, Menckin Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann.
1724-03-21Lang Josel has offended Jopperle Gugenheimb from Randegg in the inn after having heard that Jopperle has charged him of fish theft in the house of his father-in-law Leib.
1724-04-07Leib Gugenheimb is sued for tossing his waste into a nearby ditch (a long matter).
1724-05-19Salomon Weyl has taken over a claim, dating of 21.01.1700, from his father-in-law Leib.
1724-10-15Leib, Marum, Salomon, Meyer Bloch Menckin Sohn, Meyer Binckert, Lehemann Binckert, Isacc Abrahamen Sohn, Faisel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Josell Lang Schmulins Sohn, Elias, Lemle Weyl Alt, Meyer Weyl Jüdellin Sohn, Menckin Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann.
1724-11-20Joseph Schölle, tailor, has raised his share of a house next to Leib Gugenheimb by some feet, whereupon Leib did the same.
1725-03-15Satzgelder an Ostern 1725, je 10 fl. von Leib, Marum, Salomon, Meyer Bloch Menckins Sohn, Meyer Bickert (ist gestorben, also null), Leman Bickert, Isac Abrahamen Sohn, Faissel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Jossel Lang Schmullins Sohn, Elias Mayer, Lemble Weyl Alt, Meyer Weyl Jüdelins Sohn, Mencke Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann.
1725-04-17Leub and Jonas Gugenheimb, creditors.
1725-04-20Leib Gugenhaimb, claim.
1725-05-04Leib Gugenheimb.
1725-10-15An Michaelis 1725 von den Juden in Stühlingen je 9 fl., nämlich von Leib, Marum Weyl, Salamon Weyl, Mayer Bloch Menckhins Sohn, Leman Bickert, Isac Abrahamen Sohn, Faistel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Jossel Lang Schmulis Sohn, Elias, Lemble Weyl Alt, Mayer Weyl Judelins Sohn, Mencke Bloch Mayers Sohn, Mayer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann.
1725-12-31Leib, Marum Weyl, Salomon weyl, Mayer Bloch Menkens Sohn, Mayer Birkert, Isaak Abrahams Sohn, Feissel Leibs Sohn, Jonas Leibs Sohn, Josel lang Schmulens Sohn, Elias Mayer, Lemle Weyl der Alte, Meyer Weyl Jüdelens Sohn, Menkin Bloch Meyers Sohn, Mayer Bloch der Junge, Josef Sandels Tochtermann, Lehmann Birkert, Marx Mayer, Jonas Weyl Salomons Sohn
1726-03-15An Ostern 1726 von den Juden in Stühlingen je 10 fl., nämlich von Leib, Marum Weyl, Salamon Weyl, Mayer Bloch Menckhins Sohn, Leman Bickert, Isac Abrahamen Sohn, Faistel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Jossel Lang Schmulis Sohn, Elias Mayer, Lemble Weyl Alt, Mayer Weyl Jüdelins Sohn, Mencke Bloch Mayers Sohn, Mayer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann, Marx Mayer (das erste Mal), Jonas Weyl Salomons Sohn (desgleichen).
1727-03-15Satzgeld von den Juden in Stühlingen, je 10 fl. von Marx Meyer, Jonas Weyl Salomons Sohn, Leib, Marum Weyl, Salomon Weyl, Meyer Bloch Menckens Sohn, Lehmann Bickert, Isacc Abrahamen Sohn, Faistel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Josel Lang Schmulis Sohn, Elias Meyer, Lemble Weyl Alt, Meyer Weyl Jüdelins Sohn, Mencken Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann.
1727-05-16Claim by Leib Gugenheimb upon the proceedings of 18.12.1711, and another claim.
1727-12-23Leib Jew.
1728-01-19Leib Gugenheimb protected Jew sells Martin Buntenrauw in Schwaningen two fields for 106 fl.
1728-01-27Bequests of Leib Gugenheimb: 1. 1000 fl. to the grandson Meyer Gugenheim (son of Faistel) for his wedding, 2. 450 fl. to the younger son Jonas Gugenheimb, 3. 350 fl. to the son-in-law Salomon Weyl, 4. 450 fl. to the other son-in-law Joseph Gugenheimb in Randegg, partially as a dowry for the daughter Edel, 5. 450 fl. to the older son Faistel as a dowry for another daughter who is expected to marry soon, 6. provisions for the distribution of the estate after the death of Leib, 7. 200 fl. cash and 200 fl. of claims for the grandson Jonas Guggenheimb in Randegg which his father Joseph Gugenheimb must not touch.
1728-02-27Jonas Gugenheimb has taken over a claim from his father Leib as a part of his dowry.
1728-06-22Leib Gugenheimb buys a claim.
1728-10-15Satzgeld der Juden, je 9 fl. an Michaelis 1728 von Marx Meyer, Jonas Weyl Salomons Sohn, Leib, Salomon Weyl, Meyer Bloch Menckes Sohn, Lehmann Bickert, Isacc Abrahammen Sohn, Faistel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Jossel Lang Schmulins Sohn, Elias Meyer, Lemble Weyl Alt, Marumb Weyl, Meyer Weyl Jüdelins Sohn, Mencke Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann.
1728-11-12Claims of Marumb Weyl and Leib.
1729-01-18Leib Guggenheimb claims 30 fl. and is willing to wait some more time.
1729-05-03Jonas Gugenheimb represents his father Leib Gugenheimb.
1729-05-06Leib Gugenheimb claims 38 fl.
1729-07-15Leib Gugenheimb has failed to pay 30 florins of war taxes, pretending he is unable to do so. The same entry includes an agreement about a deposited foal which has died.
1729-08-09Leib Gugenheimb and the servant of Jonas Gugenheimb sued some of Unterhallau for attacking them on the road.
1729-09-29Protection fee of Jews on St. Michael`s day 1729: Leib Jew. Marum Weyl Sandel`s son. Salomon Weyl Sandel`s son. Meyer Bloch Menchen`s son. Lehmann Bickhert Meyer`s son. Isacc Abraham`s son. Feisel Leib`s son. Jonas Leib`s son. Jossel Lang Schmuli`s son. Elias Meyer Jew. Lemble Weyl the old, but now the son Schmuly. Marx Meyer. Jonas Weyl Salaman`s son. Meyer Weyl Jüdelin`s son at Horheim. Mencke Bloch Meyer`s son. Meyer Bloch the young. Joseph Sandel`s son-in-law.
1729-11-18Leib Gugenheimb has sent his sister´s daughter Beyrle, native of near ("bey") Baden in Switzerland, 100 florins as she is going to marry in Rapperschwier in Alsace.
1730-01-24Leib Gugenheimb claims 10 fl. and 75 fl.
1730-01-27Leib Gugenheimb, complaint after a bull trade.
1730-01-27Leib Jew, claim after a bull trade.
1730-02-08Leib, quarrel about a deposited bull.
1730-03-14Leib denies to owe 12 fl. to a debtor.
1730-03-28Claims by Leib Gugenheimb and his son Feistl Gugenheimb, both of Stühlingen.
1730-12-05Feistel Gugenheimb Leib Gugenheimb´s son.
1731-01-23Leib Gugenheimb is to pay extant interest.
1731-04-23Satzgelder, je 10 fl. an Georgii von Leib, Marum Sandls Sohn, Salamon Sandls Sohn, Meyer Bloch Menchens Sohn, Lehmann Bickert Meyers Sohn, Isaac Abrahamben Sohn, Feistl Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Jossel Lang Schmulis Sohn, Elias Meyer, Marx Meyer, Jonas Weyl Salamons Sohn, Meyer Weyl Jüdelins Sohn zu Horheim, Mencke Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandls Tochtermann, Marumb Weyl Dicker, Meyer Gugenheimb Feistels Sohn (für zwei Monate), Abrahamb Bloch.
1732-04-23Auf Georgii 1732 je 10 fl. von Leib, Marumb Weyl Sandls Sohn, Salomon Weyl Sandls Sohn, Meyer Bloch Menchens Sohn, Lehemann Bickert Meyers Sohn, Isaac Abrahamben Sohn, Feistel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Jossel Lang Schmulys Sohn, Elias Meyer, Marx Meyer, Jonas Weyl Salamons Sohn, Meyer Weyl Jüdelins Sohn zu Horheim, Mencke Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandls Tochtermann, Marumb Weyl Dicker, Salamon Weyl Marumben Sandls Sohn, Meyer Gugenheimb Feistls Sohn, Abrahamb Bloch.
1732-10-15Auf Michaelis 1732 je 9 fl. von Leib, Marumb Weyl Sandls Sohn, Salamon Weyl Sandls Sohn, Meyer Bloch Menchens Sohn, Lehemann Bickert Meyers Sohn, Isaac Abrahamben Sohn, Feistel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Josel Lang Schmulys Sohn, Elias Meyer Jud, Marx Meyer, Jonas Weyl Salamons Sohn, Meyer Weyl Jüdelins Sohn zu Horheim, Meyer(!) Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandls Tochtermann, Marumb Weyl Dicker, Salamon Weyl Marumben Sandls Sohn, Meyer Gugenheimb Feistels Sohn, Abrahamb Bloch.
1733-04-23Auf Gerorgii 1733 je 10 fl. von Leib, Marumb Weyl Sandls Sohn, Salamon Weyl Sandls Sohn, Meyer Bloch Menchens Sohn, Lehemann Bickert Meyers Sohn, Isaac Abrahamben Sohn, Feistel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Josel Lang Schmulys Sohn.
1733-06-12Leib Gugenheimb, deposited cow.
1733-10-15An Michaelis 1733 je 9 fl. von Leib (das letzte Mal vor seinem Tod), Marumb Weyl Sandls Sohn, Salamon Weyl Sandls Sohn, Meyer Bloch Menchens Sohn, Lehemann Bickert Meyers Sohn, Isaac Abrahamben Sohn, Feistel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Jossel Lang Schmulys Sohn, Elias Meyer (nur 2 fl.), Marx Meyer, Jonas Weyl Salamons Sohn, Meyer Weyl Jüdelins Sohn zu Horheim, Mencke Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandls Tochtermann, Marumb Weyl Dicker, Salamon Weyl Marumben Sandls Sohn, Meyer Gugenheimb Feistels Sohn, Abrahamb Bloch, Moysis Weyl.
1733-12-31Leib died, Marum Weyl Sandels Sohn,Salomon Weyl Sandels Sohn, Mayer Bloch Menkens Sohn, Lehmann Birkert Mayers Sohn, Isaac Abrahams Sohn, Feissel Leib Sohn, Jonas Leib Sohn, Jossel lang Schmule Sohn, Elias Meyer, Marx Meyer, Jonas Weyl Salomons Sohn, Mayer Weyl Jüdeles Sohn in Horheim, Menke Bloch Mayer Sohn, Mayer Bloch jung, Josef Sandels Sohn, Marum Weyl Dicker, Salomon Weyl Marum Sandels Sohn, Meyer Guggenheim Feissels Sohn, Abraham Bloch, Moysis Weyl, Schmule Weyl Lemles Sohn, Marx Bloch, Marum Gugenheim
1734-01-21Jacob Schölle as an assistant of the Leib Gugenheimb heirs sells a meadow for 72 fl.
1734-01-25Johannes Schölderle representing the heirs of Leib Gugenheimb sells half of a claim to a meadow for 10 fl.
1734-01-25Abrahamb Grieninger alderman representing the Leib Gugenheimb heirs sells a piece of land for 30 fl.
1734-02-09Jonas Gugenheimb representing the heirs of Leib Gugenheimb.
1735-05-07From the estate of Leib Gugenheimb, 600 Dukaten or 2500 florins were collected for the dominion.
1736-02-03Joseph Gugenheimb of Randegg sues some creditors of his late father-in-law Leib (negotiations with many debtors).
1736-02-04Joseph Gugenheimb of Randegg sells Marum Weyhl several pieces of cattle which he has inherited from Leib Gugenheimb.
1736-03-13According to a probate record of 7 Sep. 1735, Jonas Gugenheimb has obtained claims out of the Leib Gugenheimb estate (several entries of this type, but no other heirs are mentioned).
1736-05-04Appears Joseph Gugenheim from Randegg and asks to interrogate him, in the presence of the two Jewish foremen Marum Weyl and his brothers-inlaw Salomon Weyl, Faisel and Jonas Guggenheimer, about the estate of late Leib Guggenheimer.
1736-06-04The Leib Gugenheimb heirs.
1736-06-12Salomon Weyhl has inherited several claims out of the estate of his father-in-law Leib Gugenheimb upon the probate record of 7 Sep. 1735.
1738-06-04Feistel and Jonas Gugenheimb as the Leib Gugenheimb heirs.
1738-10-15Salamon Weyl Alter files a claim originating from his "father" Leib Gugenheimb.
1738-10-15Agreement with Jonas and Faistel Gugenheimb about a claim originating from Leib Gugenheimb, with reference to 09.06.1722 and 21.01.1729.
1738-10-21Same as an heir of Leib Gugenheimb.
1739-02-25Johannes Schlatter representing the heirs of Lew Gugenheimb here sells a meadow for 36 fl.
1739-04-14Faistel Gugenheimb has inherited a claim from his father Leib Gugenheimb.
1741-08-18The Leib Gugenheim heirs, represented by the sons Jonas and Faistel Gugenheimb, complain about double taxation. The two Marumb Weyl Samuels and Sandels Sohn respond for the Jewish community.

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