Identified Man

Tree Meir (Mayr) ben Salomon, Bloch is mentioned 6 times between 1718 and 1724. His designation in the Stühlingen family tree is 'C2.'. His father was Salomon (Rabbi), Bloch.

1718-02-08Mayr Bloch Salomons Sohn of Stühlingen owes 80 fl. for leather.
1720-10-11During a recent fire in Wangen, the Jews Mayr Bloch unmarried, Elias Bloch, and Mayr Bloch Alt were demanded to provide horses but refused to do so. Mayr Bloch Alt was fined 15 fl., while the others excused they had had no horses at hand.
1721-10-21Samuel Guggenheimb is under suspect of unlawful sexual behaviour (Sodomia) and owes the dominion 100 florins penalty for fornication. Mayr Bloch, currently in Gailingen, warrants for 23 florins of this amount. He is allowed to collect a claim of 26 fl. which Michel Jehle in Waldshut owes to Samuel Guggenheimb.
1722-03-06Mayr Bloch Jew, currently in Gailingen, and Joseph Gugenheimb Sandels Tochtermann get trespassing rights at the same conditions as Josel Gugenheimb on 10.01.1722.
1722-12-04Mayr Bloch in Horheim is fined for not applying for extension of his protection in time and is ordered to remain in the town of Stühlingen until he has paid three pounds penalty.
1724-01-18Mayr Bloch "Young", debtor.

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