Identified Man

Tree Moses (Moyses) ben Menachem II, Bloch is mentioned 12 times between 1726 and 1741. He died around 1741. His designation in the Stühlingen family tree is 'C2.'. His father was Menachem (Menke) ben Meir II, Bloch.

1726-02-22The following Jews are fined for leaving the common (overland) road when welcoming a newly-arriving groom: Salamon Weyl Marum´s son, Faisel Gugenheimb, Isac Bloch, Marx Bloch, Jonas Gugenheimb, Abraham Bloch, Isac Bolack, Seeligmann Gugenheimb, Marum Gugenheimb, Moyses Bloch, Schmule Weyl as their leader, Jacob Weyl same.
1731-05-29Mauschi Bloch, unmarried son of Mencke Bloch (with an almost verbal description of his trading with a farmer).
1731-05-29Mauschy Bloch 1 fl. 20 Kr.
1732-07-11Simon Weyl, protected Jew in Donaueschingen, complains that he has made up a marriage contract with Mencke Bloch of Stühlingen for his daughter Vögele and his son Moisis. The contract includes the time of wedding which has actually elapsed in April. He has urged several times about this but was always answered that defendant Mencke has a claim to plaintiff´s brother Marumb Weyl in behalf of just this wedding, according to which said man is to effect (auswirken) protection in Stühlingen for the groom or pay him 100 Dukaten instead. This has been defendant´s reason to delay the wedding. Marumb Weyl Samuels Sohn responds and declares that he has issued a written obligation to effect either protection for the groom in Stühlingen or after the "Hebr. Abbreviation" in Donaueschingen, but this did not include a certain date. He will have to render the agreed payment if he cannot accomplish it when His Grace will be back (or: will arrive), so this promise, depending in his person and undated, cannot be an obstacle to the wedding. Mencke Bloch as a plaintiff from his side responds that there was no mention of protection in Stühlingen or optionally Donaueschingen. When Marum Weyl wanted to interpret the Hebrew abbrevation in this way, he (probably Mencke) has shown the bond to knowledgeable Rabbis which/who did not understand the letters in this way. The lack of a date in the bond means that the promise is to be kept (by paying) cash. Marumb Weyl replies that the option is positively included in the contract and the presentation to the Rabbis by just one party does not prejudice anything, but in all such quarrels, both parties are to be heard. The bond does not include that he is to render protection cash or by a certain date, and common sense says that a matter which depends on the grace of the ruler cannot be immediately accomplished. Decision: As the marriage contract provided wedding at a certain date, which has elapsed, thus Mencke and his son are obliged to perform the wedding within four weeks, and fulfil the mutual duties which were promised each others. A decision if the contract means optionally Stühlingen or Donaueschingen is referred to the Jewish Ceremonies, which are to be arranged within two months. The one who hinders this will not be heard any more, but the text will be interpreted to the favour of the other side. When the sentence of the Rabbis will be made, Marum Weyl will be obliged to observe it and accomplish protection within six months or pay 100 Dukaten. The brothers Simon and Marumb Weyl were content with this sentence and accepted it. Meyer and Mencke Bloch, however, said that the son would rather run away, and if one wants to have him, one is to search him in the Breisgau region. In order to pervent such obstinacy, one has ordered Meyer Bloch as the grandfather and Mencke Bloch as the father that they both keep the son Moisis Bloch (in town) and present (? herstellen) him within this time on pain of losing their protection, and that they are to obey the decisions.
1732-08-28Quarrel between Mausche Bloch Mencke Bloch´s son against Marumb Weyl Samuels Sohn and his brother Simon Weyl of Donaueschingen whose daughter wants to become Christian. With mention of Mausche´s brother Abraham Bloch.
1732-09-13Mencke, Abrahamb, and Mauschi Bloch are sentenced for obstinacy. Abrahamb and Mauschi loose their protection, Abrahamb is fined 75 florins to be paid immediately on pain of loosing protection, Mencke 15 florins, and Mausch the loss of protection.
1735-07-01Isacc Bickert, Schmuli Weyhl, Mauschi Weyhl, Abraham Block and Mauschi Block are fined for importing cattle without documents.
1735-07-01Isacc Bickhert, Schmuly und Moyses Weyl sowie Abrahamb und Moysis Bloch je 1 fl. 30 Kr.
1737-01-08Mausche Block Mencke Sohn.
1737-01-09Mausche Bloch Menke Sohn 1 fl. 20 Kr.
1738-07-11Mauschi Bloch, with mention of his father Menckhi Bloch in Stühlingen and of Jonas Gugenheimb in Randegg.
1741-03-08Marum Weyl Samuels Sohn is to take a purgating oath in the matter against Frantz Anton Vöst. The sons Lehemann Weyl and Moises Bloch (now dead) are mentioned.

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