Identified Man

Tree Jacob (Jäcklin) ben Seligman, Gugenheimb is mentioned 5 times between 1672 and 1710. He died around 1681. His designation in the Stühlingen family tree is 'G1.2.1.2'. His father was Seligmann ben Samuel, Gugenheimb.

Jacob (Jäcklin) ben Seeligman is mentioned twice [R2; 04.01.1672] and [R4811; 03.17.1681] . He could possibly be identical with "Jäcklin Lehemann`s son-in-law`, who appears over the subsequent years in Horn, Obermettingen, and Horheim with son David, but more likely, that one is Hirzel`s son. It would have made more sense to have called him `Seeligman`s son`. We have to assume that he either died or moved away. .

1672-04-01Marum Jackhöffen Sohn, Jonas, Menkhe, Jäckhlin den jungen Sohn Seelligmann, Calmelin. Lehman, Sandel, Abraham, From
1681-03-17Jäggle Gugenum has acquired a claim of 75 fl.
1704-10-15Je 10 fl. an Ostern zahlen Leib, Alt Jäckhle (null), Sandel (null), Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Salomon Jäckhlins Sohn (null), Joseph Callmelins Sohn, Meyer Menckhins Sohn, Mausche, Jossel Marums Sohn, Lemble, Schmule Seligmann, Meyer Lehemann, Model, Abrahamb,
1706-10-13Alt Jäckhle Jud, Schirm- und Satzgeld: 15 fl
1710-03-15Alt Jäckhle Jud Schirm- und Satzgeld: (null),

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