Identified Man

Tree Salomon, Bernheimb - Horheim is mentioned 39 times between 1677 and 1710. His designation in the Stühlingen family tree is 'A1'.

Salomon Bernheimb received protection in Horheim as son-in-law of Menckhe ben Meir Bloch until 1710. In 1690 he appears as an heir of Menckhe [R935; 12.22.1690] . .

1677-03-15Salomon, ein fremder Jude, des Menckhen Tochtermann, hat sich von Michaelis 1675 bis Ostern 1677 in Stühlingen aufgehalten und für anderthalb Jahre 27 fl. Satzgeld sowie 1 fl. für eine Gans entrichtet.
1677-03-15Jäggelle des Lehemans Tochtermann, Salomon des Menckhen Tochtermann und Boroch, die zu Horheim wohnen, zahlen je 18 fl. Satzgeld.
1679-03-15Jäggle des Lehemans Tochtermann, Salomon des Menckhe Tochtermann und Lew Jud Boroch Sohn, die zu Horheim wohnen, je 18 fl. Satzgeld.
1680-03-15Lew Jud Barochen Sohn, Jägglin Jud Lehmanns Tochtermann und Solamann Menckhes Tochtermann, alle drei zu Horheim, je 18 fl.
1680-12-31Sandel, Mayerlin Menkins Sohn, Jonas, Löw Jonas Sohn, Calmelin, Marum Jekhoffens Sohn, Jacklin Menkins Bruder, Mayer Lehmans Sohn, Seeligmann, Schmulin, Limblin (Seligmanns Tochtermann), Abraham, Model, Isaac Schmulens Sohn, Feussel Lehmanns Sohn, Abraham W., Samuel in Unterlauchringen, Mayer in Unterlauchringen, Hirzel in Eberfingen, David in Eberfingen, Löw Barochs Sohn in Horn, Jäcklin Lehmanns Tochtermann in Horn, Salomon Menkens Tochtermann in Horn, Isak in Entermettingen, Jüdle Weihl Isaks Sohn in Entermettingen, Sandel in Ofteringen, Jonas in Ofteringen, Josef in Ofteringen
1681-01-01(continued) Hürtzel and Davidt both at Eberfingen. Löw Jew Baroch`s son, Jäckhlin Jew Lehmann`s son-in-law, and Salomann Menckhin`s son-in-law, all three at Horheim. Isaac Jew and Judele Weihl Isaac`s son both Jews at Endermettingen. Benedict and Jonas both Jews at Ofteringen. Joseph Jew, also a resident at Ofteringen, has absconded under the cover of darkness soon after Easter 1680. Samuel and Meyer both Jews at Unterlauchringen.
1681-03-04Benedict Jew of Ofteringen and Salomon of Horheim, same.
1681-03-08Agreement between the community of Horheim and the Jews Salamon and Jäggle in that village about the annual fees and the use of the pasture and the forest.
1681-08-26Hürzel Meyer of Eberfingen and Salomon of Horheim pay trespassing fees.
1681-10-01A boy is fined for stealing from the boy of Salomon.
1682-12-10Salomon Jew of Horheim pays trespassing fee.
1683-05-29The Jews are fined for putting their cattle into other personsď stables. The following men are listed: Salomon at Horheim. Abrahamb here. Leub, Marum Weil Sandelďs son. Jossel. Lämbel. Isaac. Sanndel. Elias. Joseph Calmelinďs son. Marum Weyl at Untereggingen. Schmuli Seeligmannďs son. Mausche.
1683-08-17Mauschele of Endingen, Salomon and Jonele of Horheim, and others pay trespassing fees. The others are Schmule and Samuel Weyl of Donaueschingen and Jöggle from Horheim.
1685-09-09The following pay trespassing fee: The Jews of Stühlingen (no names) Eberfingen: Hirzel Meyer, David Meyer. Horheim: Salomon, Jonale Weil. Donaueschingen: Schmule Weil, Meyer Weil Eggingen: Judel Weil.
1686-08-31Trespassing permit for the following: Endingen: Mauschele Horheim: Joggle, Salomon Donaueschingen: Schmuhle. Eberfingen: Hirtzel. Ofteringen: Benedict. Stühlingen: All the Jews (no names).
1686-09-23Horheim. Jew Salomon has sold meat on a Sunday.
1687-08-29Trespassing permit for the Jews of Stühlingen, for Schmule Jew of Donaueschingen, for Benedict of Ofteringen, Hirtzel of Eberfingen and Salomon of Horheim.
1688-11-12Trespassing fees by Salomon, Benedict and Jägle Jews of Horheim. Jodl and Modl Weyl of Eggingen. Schmule Weil and Mausche Jew of Donaueschingen Hirzel Meyer Jew of Eberfingen
1689-08-25Long considerations about Jewish trespassing fees. The following paid such: Mauschele of Endingen, Salomon of Horheim, Judel Weil and Marum Weil of Untereggingen, Hierzel Meyer of Eberfingen, each 2 fl.
1690-02-20Salamon, horse trade.
1690-05-02Salomon at Horheim, creditor. Leib here, same.
1690-12-22The heirs of Mencke, namely the daughter Sara, David Jegglinďs son, Saloman at Horheim, and Moysy Menckeďs son, distribute a claim.
1694-01-01The daughters of Salomon at Horheim were fined.
1695-01-01Schmuli Seligman`s son. Meyer Lehemann`s son. Model Jew. Abraham Jew. At Eberfingen: Hürtzel Jew. David Jew. Jekhoph Calmelin`s son. At Untereggingen: Judele Weyl. Marum Weyl. At Horheim: Salomon.
1695-05-17Jew Salomon of Horheim leases the customs earnings, except the trespassing fees which go to Jew Sandel.
1696-02-14Two men of Horheim have attacked a poor Polish Jew who teaches the children of Salomon Jew in Horheim.
1697-02-08Salomon of Horheim gets a reduction of the trespassing lease fees to 10 florins.
1697-04-07At Horheim: Salomon. Sandel is due 20 fl. for collecting trespassing fee from foreign Jews.
1700-10-15Horheim: Salomon.
1700-10-15Horheim: Salomon und sein Sohn Menckhin (dermals noch null).
1701-05-30Salomon Jew of Horheim pays the agreed customs fee of 10 fl.
1703-10-15Horheim: Salomon, Menckhin sein Sohn.
1704-03-15Menkhin Salomons Sohn, David Jakhlins Sohn.
1704-10-15Horheim: Salomon, Menckhin, David Jäckhlins Sohn.
1704-10-15Horheim: Salomon, Menckhi sein Sohn, David.
1705-06-05Salomon of Horheim delivers the Jewish customs.
1705-07-28Vögele, daughter of Marum in Untereggingen, will marry David Bernheim, son of Salomon in Horheim. They are accepted in Stühlingen County.
1706-10-13aus Horheim Salomon, Schirm- und Satzgeld: 15 fl
1710-03-15aus Horheim Salomon Schirm- und Satzgeld,

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