Identified Man

Tree Menachem (Mannes), Bloch is mentioned 10 times between 1728 and 1742. His designation in the Stühlingen family tree is 'C2.'. His father was Salomon (Rabbi), Bloch.

Menachem (Mannes) Bloch is mentioned 4 times. By 1742 he had received protection in Gailingen [R1203; 12.13.1742] . His position within the Bloch family is not clear. .

1728-01-07Manus Bloch is fined for horse trade on a Sunday.
1728-04-09A quarrel between Manus Bloch and the flayer About a hide.
1734-08-11Manus Bloch, horse trade.
1735-01-14Manus Bloch, claim.
1735-10-19Manes Bloch.
1736-07-15Mannes Bloch.
1737-01-22Manes Blockh and Marum Gugenheimb are living in Stühlingen although they are under protection in Horheim.
1737-10-08Mannas Blockh, currently in Stühlingen, is to decide if he moves to Horheim or leaves the dominion.
1742-01-19Mannes Bloch, defendant.
1742-12-13Mannas Bloch, formerly at Stühlingen, has obtained protection at Gailingen and has moved there some weeks ago. He is allowed trespassing as long as Jewish protection lasts.

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