Samuel (Schmul) ben Seligman, Gugenheimb is mentioned 76 times between 1682 and 1724. He died around 1724. His designation in the Stühlingen family tree is 'G1.2.1.4'. His father was Seligmann ben Samuel, Gugenheimb.
Samuel (Schmuli) ben Seeligman was basically under protection from 1680 until 1717. That could suggest that he was Seeligman`s firstborn. He seems to have lent money and dealt in cattle. In 1701 he was fined for fraud [R4471; 05.25.1701]. Apparently he died pennyless in 1724 [R763; 11.03.1724] [R762; 11.03.1724]. He had two sons, one named after his grandfather Seeligman, the other one `Lang Jossel`. .
1682-06-18 | Seeligmann (on the margin: Schmuli Seeligmann), agreement about a ceded claim. |
1682-12-18 | The community complains that there are many more Jews in town than the allowed 13 households. Every head of a household is allowed to house a son or son-in-law. It was found that Calmele is housing his son Schmuli Seeligmann is housing his son Schmuli Schmuli Hertzog is housing his son Isac all without permission of the authority, Hürtzlin Lehenmanns Sohn has settled although his brother is under protection here and all this was done against the law. It is suggested that the current letters-of-protection are declared void and the failing households are to pay 40 Reichstaler penalty, or the Jews are to leave the dominion. Jew Aberham from Ettenheim would also be included. |
1683-05-29 | The Jews are fined for putting their cattle into other personsď stables. The following men are listed: Salomon at Horheim. Abrahamb here. Leub, Marum Weil Sandelďs son. Jossel. Lämbel. Isaac. Sanndel. Elias. Joseph Calmelinďs son. Marum Weyl at Untereggingen. Schmuli Seeligmannďs son. Mausche. |
1683-07-06 | Schmuli Jew Seligmännlein´s son, horse trade matter. |
1685-08-07 | Jew Seeligmann and his son Schmuli buy claims. |
1686-10-15 | Bei Jahrgericht in Stühlingen wurden bestraft Hirzlens Knecht, Seeligmanns Knecht, Calmelins Bub, ferner Jaglin, Calmelin und Jossel, ferner Hürzlin, dieser nochmals zusammen mit Sandel, ferner Sandel, Lew, Seeligmann, Jäglin, Meyer Lehmanns Sohn, Callmelin, Schmulin Callm. Sohn, Schmuli Seeligmans Sohn, Meyer Menckhins Sohn, Jossel Marums Sohn, Schmulin der Groß und Isac Schmulins Sohn. |
1686-10-15 | The following are fined 1 fl. each because their cattle or horses damaged the tithe sheaves: Sandel, Lew, Seeligmann, Jäglin, Meyer Lehemanns Sohn, Callmelin, Schmulin Callmelins Sohn, Schmuhlin Seligmans Sohn, Meyer Menckhins Sohn, Jossel Marums Sohn, Schmuhlin der Gross, Isaac Schmuhlins Sohn. Mausche Menckhins Sohn let his horse run unattended. |
1687-03-15 | Jeweils 18 fl. zahlen Meyerlin Menckhins Sohn, Lew Jonasen Sohn, Calmelin, Schmulin Calmelis Sohn, Alt Marum (ist gestorben, also null), Jeckhoff Marums Sohn, Jekhlin Menckhins Bruder, Davidt erstgemelten Jeglis Sohn, Meyer Lehemans Sohn, Seligman, Schmuli Seligmans Sohn, Schmuli der Große, Lämblin Seligmans Tochtermann, Abraham, Model, Isac Schmulis Sohn, Hürtzle Lehemans Sohn, Jossel Marums Sohn, Mausche Marums Tochtermann. |
1687-12-03 | Penalties in Stühlingen: Schmulin the Old. Jäglin. Isac Schmulins Sohn. Hürtzlen. Mausche Menckhins Sohn. Mayer Menckhins Sohn. Jossel Marums Sohn. Sandel. Model. Laimlin. Seligman. Schmulin Seligmans Sohn. Mahrum Jeckoff. Calmelin. Rabbi Salomon. David Jäglins Sohn. Every one is fined 1 pound for washing his supplies (Vorrat) in the well. |
1688-03-29 | Schmuli Jew of Stühlingen sells cooper Michel Schalckh of Weizen a meadow and a field for 60 fl. |
1688-10-01 | Jew Seeligmann, represented by his son Schmuli, sells Jacob Geng of Weizen a meadow for 140 fl. |
1691-09-29 | Protection fee at Michaelis (29.09) 1690, 9 fl. each: Sandel (is exempted). Callmel. Schmulin the Tall (der große). Jäckhlin Mencke`s brother. Abrahamb. Model. Isaac Schmulin`s son. Lew. Meyer Lehmann`s son. Meyer Mencke`s son. Lemmle. Schmulin Selgman`s son. Schmulin Callmel`s son. Moyses Mencke`s son. Davidt Jägglin`s son. Elias Jägglin`s son. |
1691-12-18 | Schmuli, Seeligmannďs son, ledger. |
1692-04-01 | Abraham Jäckhlin, Model b. Leub (wohl Weil), Isaac Lemblin, Meyer b. Lehman Pickhart , Mausche und Meyer des Menggens Sohn (wohl Bloch), Schmuli, Jossel, Salomon Jackhlins Sohn, Marum Sandels Sohn (wohl Weyl), Jackhoff b. Calmelin (wohl Guggenheim), in unserer Statt Stüehlingen, auf das Land aber David b. Hürtzel (wohl Bickert), Elias Jüdele und Marum Weyl, Benjamin, SalomonDavid Jackhlins Sohn |
1692-04-17 | Schmuli Gugenheimb Seligmannďs son, receipt. |
1692-12-10 | Jew Schmuli Gugeum Seeligmannďs son is sued for payment. |
1692-12-10 | Schmuli Gugeum Seeligmannďs son, claim. |
1692-12-12 | Schmuli Gugeum Seeligmannďs son, ledger. |
1693-01-16 | Jew Schmuli Gugeum Seeligmannďs son at Stühlingen, creditor. |
1693-01-19 | Jew Schmuli Seeligmannďs son at Stühlingen, creditor. |
1693-01-27 | Schmuli Jew Seligmannďs son, and Hürzel Meyer Jew at Eberfingen, agreement about a claim against a man who will leave the dominion. |
1693-02-06 | Schmuli Jew Seeligmannďs son, cession. |
1693-02-23 | Schmuli Gugeum Seeligmanďs son, bull trade. |
1693-02-28 | Schmuli Jew Seelgmannďs son, creditor. |
1693-03-04 | Schmuli Gugenheimb Seligmanďs son, creditor. |
1693-03-10 | Schmuli Gugenheimb Seligmannďs son, claim. |
1693-05-16 | Schmuli Jew Seeligmanďs son, receipt. |
1693-09-11 | Schmuli Gugenheimb, ledger |
1693-09-11 | Schmuli Gugenheimb, claim. |
1693-09-11 | Schmul Gugeum Seeligmannďs son, agreement. |
1693-09-11 | Schmul Gugeum Seeligmannďs son, creditor. |
1694-01-22 | Schmuli Gugenum, claim. |
1694-04-11 | Continued: Mauschi Marum`s son-in-law. Schmuli the Tall (der Groß). Lemli Seeligmann`s son-in-law. Isaac Schmulin`s son. Schmuli Seeligmann`s son. Meyer Lehemann`s son. Model Jew. Abraham Jew. Joseph Calmulin`s son. At Eberfingen: Hürtzel Jew. David. At Untereggingen: Judele Weyhl. Marum Weyhl. |
1694-09-06 | Mayer Bickard is fined for beating the boy of Seeligmann (Smuhler?). |
1695-01-01 | Jäckhlin sold meat to the court, Lemle sold nails and cloth, soap, silk, and linen. Schmuli Seligman`s son sold a calf. Lew sold veal. |
1695-01-01 | Schmuli Seligman`s son. Meyer Lehemann`s son. Model Jew. Abraham Jew. At Eberfingen: Hürtzel Jew. David Jew. Jekhoph Calmelin`s son. At Untereggingen: Judele Weyl. Marum Weyl. At Horheim: Salomon. |
1695-01-04 | The boy of Seligman Schmulin. The son of Joseph Callmelin. The son of Jossel Marum. The son of Johnas Marumb. Isac Bickhart. Mausche. Lew. Sandel. His son Marum. Abraham. Schmuli Seligman`s son. Jew Jakhlin`s son. Jossel Jew (twice). Jossel`s boy. Calmelin`s son Joseph (all at Stühlingen on. |
1695-04-03 | Isaac. Schmuli. Meyer Lehemann`s son. Model. Abraham. At Eberfingen: Hürtzel. David. Jakhoph. At Untereggingen: Judele Weyl. Marum Weyl. Others: Samuel Jew at Lauchringen. Israel Ulman of Tiengen. |
1695-04-11 | Schmuli Seeligmanns Sohn, claim. |
1695-09-30 | Schmuli Seeligmann is fined for calling another man a lyer. |
1696-01-01 | Same of Schmuli Seligman`s son for lying. |
1697-01-01 | Penalty of Jew Hürzel at Eberfingen. The wife of Jew Meyerlin. The wife of Jew Mauschin. Jew Mausche. Schmuli Jew. |
1697-04-07 | Lembli. Isac. Schmuli. Meyer. Model. Abraham. Jekhoph. At Eberfingen: Hürschel. David. At Untereggingen: Judele Weyhl. Marum Weyhl. Benedict. |
1699-04-19 | Joseph Callmelin`s son. Meyer Menckhin`s son. Mausche. Jossel. Lemblin. Isaac. Schmuli. Meyer Lehemann`s son. Model. Abrahamb. At Eberfingen: Hirtzel. David. Elias. |
1700-02-25 | Schmuhli Seligmanns Sohn, mutual account. |
1700-10-15 | Jossel Marums Sohn, Lemblin, Isaccs Witwe (null), Schmuli Seeligmann, Meyer Lehemanns Sohn, Model, Abrahamb, Hauser Sondels Vetter (halber Betrag), Marum Juden Witwe (null), Jonas Models Sohn, Hirtzel Isaccs Sohn, Feissel Leiben Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn (null, weil ihm auferlegt wurde, wegzuziehen). |
1700-10-15 | Jossel Marums Sohn, Lemblin, Isaccs Witwe (Armut halber null), Schmuli Seeligmann, Meyer Lehemanns Sohn, Model, Abrahamb, Sandels lediger Vetter genannt Hauser (halber Betrag), Marums Witwe (großer Armut halber null), Jonas Models Sohn, Hirtzel Isaccs Sohn, Feissel Leiben Sohn. |
1700-12-31 | David Jäcklins Sohn, Leib, Jäcklin (befreit), Sandel (befreit), Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Salomon Jäcklins Sohn, Josef Calmelins Sohn, Jükoff Calmelins Sohn, Jükoff Marums Sohn,Mayer Menkins Sohn, Mausche, Jossel, Marums Sohn, Lemblin, Isak W. befr., Schmule Seligmann, Mayer Lehmanns Sohn, Model, Abraham, Sandels legiger Vetter Feuss genannt, Marum W. befr., Jonas Models Sohn, Hirzel Isaks Sohn, Feissel Leibs Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn |
1701-03-04 | Schmuli Jew Seeligmanns Sohn accepts a cow, some wine and a pair of slippers (Pantoffeln) for payment. |
1701-05-25 | Schmuli Seeligmanns Sohn, 15 fl. Strafe wegen Betrugs. |
1703-10-01 | Joseph Jud Schmulis Sohn, agreement after a horse trade. |
1703-10-15 | Schmuli Seeligman, Meyer Lehemanns Sohn, Model, Abrahamb, Jonas Models Sohn, Hirtzel Isaccs Sohn, Fessel Leiben Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn, Tossel Schmulins Sohn (dermalen noch null), |
1703-12-17 | Jossel Jud Schmulis Sohn is fined for dealing on a Sunday. |
1704-03-15 | Auf Ostern zahlen die Juden 10 fl., nämlich in Stühlingen Leib, Alt Jäkhle (aus Gnaden null), Sandel (ebenso), Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Salomon Jäkhlins Sohn (aus Gnaden null), Joseph Callmelins Sohn, Jäkhoff Callmelins Sohn, Jäkhoff Marums Sohn, Meyer Menckhins Sohn, Mausche, Jossel Marums Sohn, Lemble, Schmuli Seeligmann, |
1704-10-15 | Je 9 fl. an Michaelis zahlen Leib, Alt Jäckhle (null), Sandel (null), Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Salomon Jäckhlins Sohn (null), Joseph Callmelins Sohn, Jäckhoff Calmelins Sohn (null, weil abwesend), Meyer Menckhins Sohn, Mausche, Jossel Marums Sohn, Lemble, Schmule Seligmann, Meyer Lehemann, Model, Abrahamb, |
1704-10-15 | Je 10 fl. an Ostern zahlen Leib, Alt Jäckhle (null), Sandel (null), Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Salomon Jäckhlins Sohn (null), Joseph Callmelins Sohn, Meyer Menckhins Sohn, Mausche, Jossel Marums Sohn, Lemble, Schmule Seligmann, Meyer Lehemann, Model, Abrahamb, |
1704-10-27 | Session of the peasants´ court in Stühlingen: Mausche and Salomon Jud Sandels Sohn are fined 10 pounds for offending the mayor. Mausche is fined 1 pound. The widow of Isaac is fined for taking firewood from the bailiff´s garden. Joseph Calmelins Sohn is fined for selling leather on a Sunday. Leib and Seeligmann Schmuli are fined for dealing on a Sunday. Mayr Bückhert is fined for causing damage to Stoffel Krettler. |
1706-10-13 | Josel Schmulis Sohn, Schirm- und Satzgeld: 15 fl |
1710-03-15 | Schmule Seeligmann Schirm- und Satzgeld, |
1711-12-31 | Leib, Sandel, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Marum, Salomon Jäcklins Sohn, Josef Calmelins Sohn ist tot, Jükoff Calmelins Sohn, Leible Jükoffen Sohn, Mayer Menkens Sohn Bloch genannt, Mausche, Josel marums Sohn, Lemle, Schmule Seligmann, Mayer Lehmann, Jonas Models Sohn, Feissel Leib Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn, Josel Sandels Tochtermann, Josel Schmulins Sohn, Marum Lemlins Sohn, Isaac Nirhert Abrahams Sohn, Menkhe Bloch Mayers Sohn, Lehmann Birkert |
1712-01-25 | Marum Weyl Sandels Sohn, Sandel Weyl, Leib Gugenheim, Meyer Bickhert, Lemble Weil, Meyer Bloch, Samuel Gugenheimb, Salomon Bloch, Moyses Bloch, Salomon Weyl, Sandels Sohn, Hirtzle Bickhert, Jonas Weyl, Joseph Gugenheim Samuels Sohn, Josel Gugenheim,Lehm Biggert, Menkhle Bloch, Isac Bickhert, Lewel Gugenheim, Veith Gugenheim, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann, Abrahamb Gugenheim,Daniel Biggert, Davit Vorsinger, Jacob Gugenheimb,Marum Lembles Sohn, Elias Meyer, Jakkele Meyer, Elias Weyl, Isac Bernheim, MoysesWeyl, Menggen Bloch, Judas Weyl |
1714-10-15 | An Michaelis 1714 in Stühlingen je 9 fl. von Leib, Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Jähkoff Marms Sohn, Mayer Menckhins Sohn, Mausche, Jossel Marms Sohn, Lemble Alt, Schmuli Seligman, Mayer Leheman, Isaac Abrahamen Sohn, Jossel Sandels Tochtermann, Jonas Models Sohn, Hirtzel Isaacen Sohn, Faistel Leiben Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn, |
1715-03-15 | Ostern 1715 in Stühlingen je10 fl. von Leib, Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Jackhoff Marms Sohn, Mayer Menckhins Sohn, Mausche, Jossel Marms Sohn, Lemble Alt, Schmuli Seligmann, Mayer Leheman, Isaac Abrahamen Sohn, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann, Jonas Models Sohn, Hürtzel Isaacs Sohn, Faistel Leiben Sohn, |
1715-10-15 | Satzgelder der Juden, 9 fl. an Michaelis in Stühlingen von Leib Jud, Marum Jud, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Mayer Menckin Sohn Bloch, Mausche Alt, Josell Marums Sohn, Lemble Alt, Schmule Seeligmann, Meyer Lehman Bickert, Isac Abrahamben Sohn, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann (4,5 fl.), Jonas Models Sohn, Hirtzel Isac Sohn, Faissell Leiben Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn, Josell Lang Schmulis Sohn, Marum Lemblins Sohn, Menckin Bloch, Leheman Bickert Meyers Sohn, Elias Jud, Israel Meyer Eliasen Sohn, in Eberfingen von Jäggele Hirtzels Sohn, in Horheim von Davidt Jäggelins Sohn, Jud Mencken, Meyer Bernheimb, Elias Boll, Jüdelle Weyl, Isac Jud Beniamins Sohn, Menckin Meyer. |
1715-10-15 | An Michaelis 1715 je 9 fl. von Leib, Marum, Salomon Sandels Tochtermann, Mayer Menckin Sohn Bloch, Mauschi alt, Josel Marums Sohn, Lemble alt, Schmule Seeligman, Meyer Lehman Bickert, Isac Abrahams Sohn, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann, Jonas Models Sohn, Hirtzel Isac Sohn, Faisell Leiben Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn, Josell Lang(en) Schmullis Sohn, Marum Lemblis Sohn, Menckin Bloch, Lehmann Bickert Mayers Sohn. |
1716-03-15 | Satzgelder der Juden, 10 fl. an Ostern in Stühlingen von Leib Jud, Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Mayer Menckin Sohn Bloch, Mausche Alt, Josell Marum Sohn, Lemble Alt, Schmueli Seeligmann, Meyer Lehman Bickert, Isacc Abrahamben Sohn, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann (5 fl.), Jonas Models Sohn, Hirtzelle Isac Sohn, Faissel Leiben Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn, Josell Lang Schmulis Sohn, Marum Lemblin Sohn, Menckin Bloch, Leheman Bickert Mayers Sohn, Elias Jud, Israel Meyer Eliasen Sohn, in Eberfingen von Jäggelle Hirtzels Sohn, in Horheim von Davidt Jäckhelin Sohn, Jud Menckin, Mencken Bruder Meyer Bernheimb, Elias Boll, Jüdelle Weyl, Isacc Jud Beniamins Sohn, Menckin Meyer. |
1716-03-15 | Extanzenregister, darin die schutzverwandten Juden Sallomon Jäggelin Sohn, Jekoff Marum Sohn, Mausche Alt, Josell Marum Sohn, Lemble Alt, Isac Juden Wittib, Schmuel Seeligmann, Meyer Lehemann Bickhert, Modell, Isac Abrahamben Sohn, Mergam Marums Wittib, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann, Jonas Models Sohn, Hirtzel Isac Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn, Jäggelle Hirtzels Sohn, Hirtzel Jud, Jackoff Callmelis Sohn, Elias Jud, Israel Meyer Eliasen Sohn, Davidt Jäggelin Sohn, Elias Boll, Jüdelle Weyl, Marum Weyl Jud, Beniamin Jud, Schmule Jüdelins Sohn, Isac Jud Beniamin Sohn, Meyer Weyl Jüdelin Sohn. Fremde Juden, die Geleit haben: Ephraim zu Donaueschingen, Samuel allda, Simeon und Samuel Vehlmann (wohl Uhlmann) zu Tiengen, Samuel von Unterlauchringen, Baroch von Endingen, Isac Meyer von "Gaisingen", Lehman Weyl von Donaueschingen, Meyer Bloch Jud von Gailingen, Jud Jopperle von Lenglau. |
1716-03-15 | An Ostern 1716 je 10 fl. von Leib, Marum Sandels Sohn, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Mayer Menckins Sohn Bloch, Mausche Alt, Josell Marums Sohn, Lemble Alt, Schmule Seeligmann, Mayer Lehemann Bickert, Isac Abrahamen Sohn, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann, Jonas Models Sohn, Hirtzele Isac Sohn, Faissel Leiben Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn, Josell Lang Schmulins Sohn, Marum Lemlins Sohn, Menckin Bloch, Lehmann Bickert Mayers Sohn. |
1716-10-15 | Satzgeld der Juden, je 9 fl. auf Michaelis 1716 in Stühlingen von Leib Jud, Marum Jud, Salomon Sandels Sohn, Meyer Menckin Sohn Bloch, Mausche Alt, Josell Marums Sohn, Lemble Alt, Schmule Seeligmann, Meyer Lehemann, Isacc Abrahamen Sohn, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann (4,5 fl.), Jonas Models Sohn, Hirtzel Isac Sohn, Faissel Leiben Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn, Josell Lang Schmule Sohn, Marum Lemblins Sohn, Menckin Bloch, Lehemann Bickert Meyers Sohn, Elias Meyer, Israel Meyer, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Daniel Bickert, Jäggle Hirtzels Sohn zu Eberfingen, in Horheim von Davidt Jäckellin Sohn, Menckin Bernheimb, Meyer Bernheimb, Elias Boll, Jüdelle Weyl, Isacc Bernheimb Beniamin, Menckin Meyer, Meyer Weyl Jüdellin Sohn. |
1717-03-15 | Satzgeld der Juden, je 10 fl. an Ostern 1717 in Stühlingen von Leib Jud, Marum Weyl Sandels Sohn, Salomon Weyl, Meyer Menckin Sohn Bloch, Mausche Alt, Joseph Marums Sohn, Lemble Alt, Schmule Seeligmann, Meyer Lehemann Bickert, Isac Abrahamben Sohn, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann, Jonas Models Sohn (ist hinweg gezogen, also null), Hirtzel Isac Sohn (ebenmäßig null), Faissel Leiben Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn (gleichfalls fort und null), Josell Lang Schmule Sohn, Marum Lemblin Sohn (ist ebenmäßig hinweg gezogen, null), Menckin Bloch, Lehemann Bickert, Elias Jud, Israel Meyer, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Daniel Bickert (ist hinweg gezogen, null), Jäckelle Hirtzels Sohn von Eberfingen, von Horheim Davidt Jäggelin Sohn (gleichfalls null), Menckin Bernheimb, Meyer Bernheimb, Elias Boll (null), Jüdelle Weyl, Isac Bernheimb Beniamin Sohn, Menckin Meyer, Meyer Weyl Jüdelin Sohn. |
1721-10-21 | Samuel Guggenheimb is under suspect of unlawful sexual behaviour (Sodomia) and owes the dominion 100 florins penalty for fornication. Mayr Bloch, currently in Gailingen, warrants for 23 florins of this amount. He is allowed to collect a claim of 26 fl. which Michel Jehle in Waldshut owes to Samuel Guggenheimb. |
1722-01-01 | Expenses for the baptism of Jewess Carolina (48 fl. 19 Kr., with details). |
1723-09-06 | Josel Levi, protected Jew in Sulz, was in the Adler (inn) in the presence of Jews Leib and Marum Weyl both protected Jews and of Schmuli Gugenheimb and his son Langjossel. He accused Langjossel of not supporting his father (Vatter, probably not Vetter) said Schmuli and his mother who are to move about in the country in deepest poverty for considerable time. Due to the natural and divine law, Jossel is obliged to support his parents, so plaintiff as a brother of Jossel´s mother applies that the court sentences him to maintain his parents. Defendant replies that he is not the only child, but has three siblings, namely Seeligmann in Gailingen, Lia in Sulz and Schönele in Bolsheim in Alsace, disregarding the other relatives. He is willing to contribute to board and clothes for his parents, but one cannot demand that solely he comes up with that as he needs his things for himself and has nine living children. He proposes (appeal to) the Jewish ceremonies if plaintiff Josel is not content with this declaration. Josel Levi replies that defendant is the oldest born child and thus obliged to maintain the parents, and collect contributions from his younger siblings. It is not feasible to maintain the parents at separate and alternating places. Josel again wants to convey this matter to the Jewish ceremonies. Interim decision: Langjossel is given a month time to make an agreement with his siblings about the maintainance of their parents, or let this be disputed by the Jewish ceremonies, to avoid 10 Reichstaler penalty. |
1724-11-03 | Meyer Bloch, Menckin Bloch, Salomon Weyl, and Feisel Gugenheim are fined for refusing Lang Josel the burial of his father Schmule Gugenheimb, pretending he owes some money to the welfare fund. |
1724-11-03 | Death tax of poor Schmule Gugenheimb. |