Identified Man

Tree Kaiphas (Keuffe) is mentioned 19 times between 1629 and 1678. He died around 1678. His designation in the Stühlingen family tree is 'K1'.

Kaiphas first appeared in 1629, and was under protection from 1634 on. He lent money. In 1652 he was jailed in Klingnau, Switzerland, and had to be bailed out by `Jäggle` (Jacob ben Judah Weyl). After that he was no longer competent and was under constant guardianship until his death around 1678. The records allow no conclusions whether the incompetence was a cause or a result of his incarceration. Jäggli was his first guardian, followed by Lehman (Judah ben Naphtali Bickert), and finally Model (Mordechai Weyl) .

1629-02-22The Jews Meierle, Jäggle, Sannel´s heirs, Kipha, Jäcoff, and Hürtzel have claims to Hanns Hegelin.
1634-06-15Schirm- und Satzgeld: Kyphe, 15 fl
1635-07-01Jekoff, Schmule (1636 W), Meierle, Hürtzle, Leman, Isaac, Cost, Kyphe, Eli, Schachman, Jeggle, Samuel W., Marum
1638-03-30Schirm- und Satzgeld, je 15 fl. von Kypha,
1638-07-01Schmol W., Jeggle, Meierle, Isaac, Cost, Leman, Hüzlis Weib u. ihr jetziger Mann Jekoff, Schachmann, Eli, Sannels Wte.,Marum, Kypha
1640-07-01Jakoff Hürzles Nachfahr und sein Weib, Jekoff, Schmol W., Meierle, Isaac, Cost, Lemann, Schachmann, Jeggle,Sannels W., Marum, Eli. Kypha
1641-03-26Kypha, Schirm- und Satzgeld: 15 fl
1645-07-01Jekoff Hürtzles Nachfuhr, Jakoff, Schmol, Meierle, Isaac, Jeggle, Cost, Leman, Schachmann, Marum, Sannels W., Eli, Kypha
1650-03-31The following participate in the estate of cooper Caspar Mayer: Kypha Jew (115 fl. plus 17 fl. interest), Sanel´s widow (53 fl. plus 7 fl. interest) and Hirzle Jew (36 fl. plus 5 fl. interest)
1650-04-07Kipha, agreement about a claim.
1651-02-25Claim of Kipha Jew.
1653-02-22Claims by Menckhen, by Marum in behalf of the heirs of Jeckhoff, and by Jäggle, Kipha (absent), and Lehemann.
1657-08-16Kaypha Jew, claim upon a ledger of 23.10.1631 and agreement about down payment.
1662-03-30Lipp Dobler, innkeeper, claims 8 florins Zehrung from Kypha (also called Kayphas) the Jew and his guardian Lehman Jew, but does not know from which year it originates. Lehman says it was paid by the delivery of grain.
1663-07-09Küffe Jew is mentally incabaple. Lehman had been set as his guardian. Claims to the unattended house of Küffe were filed, so Lehman sells it for 60 florins to Seligmändlin Jew and the debts are to be paid from the earnings.
1670-10-23Marum Jew claims 172 fl. for Kipha Jew.
1673-01-26Kheufa Jew, represented by Jew Lehemann of Stühlingen, claims payment of 115 fl.
1674-04-05Claim by Keuffas with reference to the proceedings of 26.01.1673.
1678-07-05Model Jew as powerholder of Kayffa acknowledges payment.

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