Abstracted from 61/12663: Proceedings of Stühlingen district, 1651-1655.
1654-04-17 | Mutual accounts with Jacob Jew of Preylingen* in behalf of Schach Jew´s heirs, and Marumb Jew Tochtermändlin in behalf of a claim originating from the widow of Sandel. * Maybe Bräunlingen but no Jews are known to have lived in this town.593 30.04.1654 Jonas Jew represents all the heirs of Jeckhoff. |
The following identified Jews are mentioned in this record:
Common Name | Formal Name |
Marumb Jew Tochtermändlin | (Meir (Marum Tochtermännlin), Weyl) |
Schach Jew´s heirs | (Schalom (Schachman), ?Gugenheimb) |
Jeckhoff | (Jacob (Jekuff) Patriarch, Gugenheimb) |
Sandel | (Nathan (Sannel), Bloch Patriarch) |
Jonas | (Jonah (Jonas) ben Jacob, Gugenheimb) |