Identified Man

Tree Meir (Marum Tochtermännlin), Weyl is mentioned 103 times between 1632 and 1665. He died around 1662. His designation in the Stühlingen family tree is 'S1'.

Marum (Tochtermännlin) Weyl first appeared in 1649 as son-in-law of Nathan the Patriarch [R1775; 12.02.1649]. The same year he represents his mother-in-law, Sandel`s widow in an estate matter. From 1650 on he paid protection tax until 1665, but appears to have died in 1663 [R3951; 01.23.1663] . His origin is not documented explicitly, but in 1656 he stated that he `came to this country 25 years ago` [R2066; 10.17.1656], i.e. 1631. It is very suggestive that Marum (Tochtermännlin) is in fact identical with Meir (Marum) II before he got married to Sannel`s daughter in 1649. Marum was mainly a money lender, but he also did some cattle, and real estate dealing. Judging from the amounts of his claims, he must have been a wealthy man. But despite Tia Weil`s claims to the contrary RR#6: he can not have been a rabbi, since rabbi`s were exempt from having to pay protection tax. Marum had two sons: Samuel [R3855; 04.07.1661], and Nathan (Sandel) [R3990; 11.29.1663] . The family name `Weyl` first appears in conjunction with his son Nathan (Sandel) ben Meir in 1663 [R3990; 11.29.1663]. Marum illlustrates one of the methodological catches in this study. When the transcriber first encountered the name `Marum Jud Tochtermännlin`, he interpreted it as `Marum`s son-in-law`, and translated it accordingly. Since the records were not encountered in chronological order, only when [R1775; 12.02.1649] appeared did it become clear that `Tochtermännlin` was the attribute of a specific Meir (Marum). .

1632-06-17Marum Jew is ordered to pay a debt to Joseph Jew.
1632-12-16Marum, quarrel after a horse trade.
1634-02-16Marum, complaint after a horse trade.
1634-06-08Marum Jew is sued after a horse trade.
1634-06-15Schirm- und Satzgeld: Marum, 15 fl
1634-06-24Ulrich Schwenninger 50 Kr. (für eine Kundschaft?) gegen Marum Jude.
1635-06-24Nachgelassene und uneinbringliche Forderungen: Der Witwe des Juden Samuel werden 7 fl. 30 Kr. Schutzgeld nachgelassen, ebenso dem Juden Marum.
1635-07-01Jekoff, Schmule (1636 W), Meierle, Hürtzle, Leman, Isaac, Cost, Kyphe, Eli, Schachman, Jeggle, Samuel W., Marum
1636-02-21Sentence in the matter between Heyum as powerholder of Marum against Ulrich Köler.
1637-01-22Marum, representing Sannel´s children, files a claim.
1637-08-13Marum Jew and Anthoni Ribel are to carry out their matter at court. Meierle Jew, horse trade matter.
1637-11-19Claim of Marum, representing his mother-in-law.
1638-03-30Schirm- und Satzgeld, je 15 fl. von Marum
1638-07-01Schmol W., Jeggle, Meierle, Isaac, Cost, Leman, Hüzlis Weib u. ihr jetziger Mann Jekoff, Schachmann, Eli, Sannels Wte.,Marum, Kypha
1640-03-15Marum, Schirm- und Satzgeld: 15 fl.
1640-07-01Jakoff Hürzles Nachfahr und sein Weib, Jekoff, Schmol W., Meierle, Isaac, Cost, Lemann, Schachmann, Jeggle,Sannels W., Marum, Eli. Kypha
1641-03-26Marum, Schirm- und Satzgeld: 15 fl
1645-07-01Jekoff Hürtzles Nachfuhr, Jakoff, Schmol, Meierle, Isaac, Jeggle, Cost, Leman, Schachmann, Marum, Sannels W., Eli, Kypha
1649-12-02Marum Jew the Dochtermännle (little son-in-law) representing his mother-in-law, Jew Sandel´s widow, claims 89 fl. from Peter Schlotter (and other claims by Marum for his mother-in-law).
1649-12-02Hans Büche of Oberwangen owes Marum Jew the Dochtermännle 44 fl. for 7 years.
1649-12-02Other claims by Marum Dochtermännle.
1650-03-31Judele Jew represents Marum called Tochtermännle.
1651-01-01Protection fee, paid by the Jews on 24.07.1650 (15 fl. each): Marum Juckhen (probably misspelled for Juden) Jeckhoff`s son. Marum`s son-in-law (Tochtermännlin). Mennckhe Mayerlin`s son. Lehmann Hirzli`s son. Schmul`s son Seligman. Jäggle. All together 90 fl. According to the previous invoice, Lehman owes 172 fl. protection fee, for which he yielded 11 claims to individuals in Stühlingen.
1651-03-23Marum, representative of the Schachman heirs, claims 75 fl. upon a contract of 05.04.1642. Marum also claims 371 fl. capital and 245 fl. interest. Jäggle Jew admits he has received payment from Jerg Hertenstein of Mauchen through his son-in-law Marum.
1651-07-01Marum Jekoffs Sohn, Marums Tochtermann, Mayerle, Menken Maierlins Sohn, Lehmann Hirzlins Sohn, Schmul Hirzlins Sohn, Seligmann Schmules Sohn, Jäggle
1652-01-16Marum Jew Tochtermännle represents Sandel´s heirs.
1652-01-16Marum Jew the Tochtermännle, agreement after a horse trade.
1652-01-25Lehman Hirzlin´s son, claims. Marum Jew Tochtermännle, claim.
1652-02-01Claim to Marum Jew the Tochtermännle.
1652-03-14Marum Jew the Tochtermännlin, claim.
1652-03-14Judele as powerholder of Marum the Tochtermännlin.
1652-04-23An Ostern 1652 zahlen je 15 fl. Satzgeld: Marum Juden Jeckhen Sohn. Jonas Juden Jeckhoffen Sohn. Marum Juden Tochtermännle. Mayerle. Menckhen. Lehmann Juden Hirzlins Sohn. Schmuli Juden Hirzlins Sohn. Seligman Juden Schmulins Sohn. Jäggle Jude. Isac schuldet laut Rechnung von 1649 noch 191 fl. Schutzgeld, woran er nichts bezahlt hat. Ebenso zahlte Jäggle nichts an 40 fl. Strafe und Jeckhoffen Erben nichts an 40 fl. Strafe.
1652-11-14Claims of Marum called Tochtermännlin, Jäggle, Mayer, Marumb,
1652-11-28Marum Tochtermännlin claims 130 fl.
1653-02-13Marum called Tochtermännlin, claim.
1653-03-10Claims to the property of butcher Daniel Hetz by Menckhe, Jetlin Jewess, Schachman´s heirs, Hirtzlin´s heirs, Schmul, Marum Tochtermännle and Eli Jew Mayerlin´s son.
1653-03-20A claim by Marum Jew Tochtermännle.
1653-03-27Judele as powerholder of Marum Jew Tochtermännlin.
1653-03-27Marum Jew Tochtermännle sells four bulls.
1653-10-27Marumb Jew called Tochtermändlin, mutual account.
1653-12-04Marumb Jew Tochtermänndlin, transfer of a claim. Lehman Jew Hyrtzlin´s son, claims.512 Leoman the Old, claim.
1653-12-18Marumb Jew Tochtermändlin, claim after a horse trade.
1653-12-18Marum Jew Töchtermändlin represents Sandel´s widow.
1654-02-06Marum Jew called Tochtermännlin, claim.
1654-03-30Marumb Jeckhoff´s son and Lehmann Hirzlin´s son, with mention of Isac Jew.
1654-04-17Mutual accounts with Jacob Jew of Preylingen* in behalf of Schach Jew´s heirs, and Marumb Jew Tochtermändlin in behalf of a claim originating from the widow of Sandel. * Maybe Bräunlingen but no Jews are known to have lived in this town.593 30.04.1654 Jonas Jew represents all the heirs of Jeckhoff.
1654-12-17Marum Jew Tochtermendlin tries to sue a debtor.
1655-04-08A claim by Marum Jew Tochtermendlin originating from Sandel Jew, with reference to a decision of 17.12.1639. The Jewess (unnamed) or Marum are to render a Jewish oath.
1656-01-14Marumb´s son-in-law (Tochtermandlin), several claims.
1656-02-03Marum Jew´s son-in-law, claim.
1656-10-17Carneval time. Further lives with him Jeggle called the Welsh (der Welsche, referring to a French or Italian origin) with his wife and a child, who came here with Lemblin. Further lives with him Raphael with his wife and a child who came with the others. With Marumb Jew´s son-in-law (Tochtermändlin) lives Mayerle Jew with his wife and three children, who came here after Easter.
1656-10-17-Listing of the Jews under protection: Marumb Jew Jeckhoff´s son. Jäggle Jew the Old (der Alte). Jonas Jew. Marum Jew´s son-in-law.
1656-10-17In this context, Jew Marumb´s son-in-law declares: When he came into the country 25 years ago, there was a Jew at Bechtersbohl (with certain customs then compared with the current ones). With statements by Marumb Jew and Menckhe Jew. All the Jews authorize Jäggle to conduct the matter for them.
1656-11-10Marumb Jew´s son-in-law is accused to have wrongly charged three persons to have stolen him a half a oiece of cattle.
1657-01-25Jäggle Jew, Marum Jew, Marum Jew´s son-in-law, and Lemblin Jew of Tiengen are involved in compensation payments.
1657-02-05Marumb´s son-in-law, same.
1657-04-09Marum Jews at Stühlingen the son-in-law, same.
1657-05-07Marum Jew´s son-in-law buys a field there for 34 fl.
1657-06-14Marumb Jew´s son-in-law claims remainin payment for a small house.
1657-11-08Marumb Jew´s so-in-law representing Sandel Jew´s widow, claim.
1657-11-22Marumb Jew´s son-in-law, claim. Schmull Jew´s heirs, claim.
1657-11-22Menckhe Jew, claim. Marumb Jew´s son-in-law, claims.
1657-12-31Marumb Jew´s son-n-law, claim.
1658-02-23Jacob Nowönburger, Marumb´s son-in-law, claim. Jägglin Jew, same.
1658-03-15Auf Ostern 1658 liefern je 15 fl. Satzgeld: Marum Juden Jeckoffen Sohn für sich und seinen Tochtermann (zus. 30 fl.), Jonas Jude für sich und seinen Tochtermann Kalmele (zus. 30 fl.), Marum Juden Tochtermännle (15 fl.), Mayerle Juden zwei Söhne Menckhe und Jäggelin (zus. 30 fl.), Hirzlin Juden zwei Söhne Leheman und Schmuli (zus. 30 fl.), Seligmann, Jögglin der Alt.
1658-05-24Mit Forderungen an Marum Jud Tochtermännlin, Marum Jude Jeckhoffen Sohn, Menckh Jud, Schmuli Jud, alle in Stühlingen.
1658-09-02Lembly at Tiengen is fined for brawl with a foreign Jew in the house of Tochtermänlin.
1658-09-26Marum Jew´s son-in-law.
1658-11-21Marum Jew´s son-in-law, ledger
1659-04-29Mutual account between Jacob Büchin and Jew Marum Tochtermännlin, with reference to the proceedings of 29.02.1652.
1660-01-16Marum Jew Tochtermännle, bull trade matter.
1660-02-04Marum Jew Tochtermännlin bought a cow.
1660-02-06Marum Tochtermännlin is sued for a debt originating from his step-father-in-law (Stiefschwäher) David Jew. Defendant anwers that he (David) was killed by soldiers in the war and all his property was robbed so he (defendant) is not an heir of this man. The claim is refused but Marum is to return the deposited movables to Schaffhausen.
1660-02-19Maruum Jew Tochtermännle acknowledges payment.
1660-05-31Enthält ausstehende Zahlungen von Marum Juden Erben, Marum Jud Tochtermännle, Lehmann Juden Alten Erben, Kalmele, Jäggle Jude Alt, Schmuli Jude Hirzlis Sohn, und den Juden insgesamt, alle in Stühlingen.
1660-07-01Claim of Marum Jew Tochtermändli with mention of the proceedings of 12.01.1651.
1660-10-29Marum Jew Tochtermännle claims 92 fl.
1660-10-29Marum Jew Tochtermenlin claims 40 fl. which he has loaned 28 years ago according to his business book.
1660-12-02Marum Jew Tochtermändlin claims 165 fl.
1661-03-10Marum Jew Tochtermändtlin, quarrel after a cow transaction.
1661-03-10Marum Jew Tochtermendtle files a claim for Sandel Jew´s widow.
1661-04-07Marum Jew Tochtermändlein is fined for beating Calmeli Jew, assisted by his (Marum´s) son Schmulin.
1661-05-05Marum Jew Tochtermandlin acknowledges payment.
1661-05-12The youngest son of Jew Marum Tochtermanlin was beaten in the inn.
1661-07-01Lehmann ist 1659 nach Schwerzen gezogen, Marum Jekoffs Sohn, Jonas, Kalmele, Marums Tochtermann, Menke, Jaggele, Menkins Bruder, Lehmann Hirzlins Sohn, Schmule Hirzlins Sohn, Seligmann Schmules Sohn, Jägglin der Alte
1662-01-12Marum Jew Tochtermänlin is to be paid (several cases).
1662-09-25Marum Jew Jeckhoffen Sohn representing the widow of Jew Marum Tochtermännlin in Stühlingen sells a field for 23 fl.
1663-01-23Mr. Alexander Hurter, treasurer of Schaffhausen, claim a complicated matter, debtor says he has bought real estate charged by a mortgage from Marum Jew Tochtermännlin, and Hurter is reserved to sue the heirs of this Jew.
1663-01-23Christa Fessler is to pay 106 florins to the heirs of Marum Jew Tochtermännlin (with reference to the proceedings of 02.12.1660).
1663-01-25The heirs of Marum Tochtermännlin claim 48 florins from the heirs of Thebus Berger.
1663-03-14The heirs of Marum Tochtermenlin file a claim.
1663-03-15Folgende Juden zahlen auf Ostern 1663 je 17 fl. Satzgeld: Marum Juden Jeckhoffen Sohn. Jonas. Kalmele. Marum Juden Tochtermännlin. Menckhen. Jäggele Juden seinem Bruder. Leheman Juden Hirzlins Sohn. Schmuli Juden seinem Bruder. Seeligmann. Jägglin dem Alten. Die zu Tiengen wohnenden Juden zahlen 20 fl.
1663-11-29Mr. Robert Mallet of Geneva sues Marum Jew Tochtermännlin, now his son Sandell Weyl of of Stühlingen, for payment of merchandize worth 53 florins. Defendant does not consider himself an heir of his father, but is willing to pay.
1664-02-14Sandel Jew, son of Marum Tochtermännlin, acknowledges payment.
1664-03-15Auf Ostern 1664 je 17 fl. von Marum Jud Jeckhoffen Sohn. Jonas. Kalmele. Marum Juden Tochtermannlis Sohn Sandell. Menckhen. Jäggele Juden seinem Bruder. Leheman Juden Hirtzlins Sohn. Schmuli Juden seinem Bruder. Seeligmann. Jägglin dem Alten.
1664-03-15Folgende Stühlinger Juden müssen noch Gänse abliefern: Marum Juden Jeckhoffen Sohn für „ihn“ (sich) und seinen Tochtermann, so gestorben, 4 Stück. Marum Jud Tochtermännlin 1 Stück, Leheman 1 Stück, Schmuli 2 Stück, Jonas 2 Stück, usammen 10 Stück, wofür sie 10 fl. bezahlen.
1664-04-02Claim by the heirs of Marum Tochtermännlin.
1664-07-10The heirs of Marum Jew Dochtermännlin claim 253 fl.
1664-11-20Marum called Tochtermännlin, update of a mutual account of 21.01.1659.
1664-12-19Sandel Jew representing the heirs of Marum Jew Tochtermännlin, mutual account.
1665-02-19A claim by the heirs of Marum Tochtermännlin.
1665-03-12Sandel Jew of Stühlingen, representing the Marum Jew Tochtermännlin heirs, files a claim.
1665-03-12Marum and Mauschele negotiate about a claim originating from Marum Jew Tochtermännlin.

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