Abstracted from Geldrechnung Stühlingen 1661/62 (largely undated).
1662-01-01 | Protection fee of the Jews: Lehman has moved to Schwerzen on Martinsmas (11.11.) 1659 and still owes 10 fl. protection fee. There are 12 Jewish households in Stühlingen which paid 204 fl. protection fee on Easter 1661. The following paid 17 fl. each on Easter 1662: Marum Jew Jeckhoff`s son. Jonas Jew. Kalmele Jew. Marum Jew`s sonin-law. Menckhen Jew. Jaggele Jew his brother. Leheman Jew Hirzlin`s son. |
The following identified Jews are mentioned in this record:
Common Name | Formal Name |
Marum Jew | (Meir (Marum) ben Jacob, Gugenheimb) |
Menckhen | (Menachem (Menckhen) ben Meir, Bloch) |
Jaggele | (Jacob (Jäggele) ben Meir, Bloch) |
Kalmele | (Kalonymos ben Samuel I, Gugenheimb) |
Leheman | (Judah (Leheman) ben Naphtali, Bickert) |
Lehman | (Judah (Lehman) ben Abraham) |
Jonas | (Jonah (Jonas) ben Jacob, Gugenheimb) |