Identified Man

Tree Meir (Marum, dicker) ben Samuel, Weyl is mentioned 76 times between 1687 and 1747. His designation in the Stühlingen family tree is 'W1.3'. His father was Samuel, Weyl - Donaueschingen.

Marumb with the byname `dicker` (fat one) was a successful business man, son of the court Jew Samuel Weyl in Donaueschingen. The family came originally in 1683 as refugees from Tiengen [R1310; 05.11.1683]. They rented the so called `Schellenberg house` in Donaueschingen, where they lived in style. After the baptism of his brother Leheman [R4570; 01.01.1729] in Donaueschingen Marumb bought as house in Stühlingen [R3492; 07.08.1729] ], and moved there with his five sons. After the baptism of Menken Bloch, both Marum dicker and Leheman his son seem somehow implicated as well, probably through a defaulted loan [R1148; 10.12.1740] [R1158; 03.08.1741]. In 1743 Marum received an extension due to sickness together with two caregivers: his son Isaac and Mordechai (Marx) ben Elias Meyer possibly a son in law until May 9. 1744. In 1744 Marum, together with his son Salomon moved to Lengnau (R3454; 03.21.1747) Because the given name `Marumb` is so common in the Weyl family, they often get confused, particularly the contemporary `Marum dicker` and `Marum Sandel`s son` [R3516; 02.26.1733] . In the 1740`s, and possibly already 1730`s both Marum Weyls held leading positions in the Jewish community [R1166; 08.18.1741] , perhaps even that of Parnassim as Stein suggests RR#7:. .

1687-09-12Schmule and Mayer Jews of Stühlingen pay trespassing fee, as do Marum Weyl and Mausche Jew of Endingen.
1710-01-01Marumb Weyl Dickher by Jews (18 fl. each): Samuel Weyl in the Schellenberg house. Marum Weyl same. Another Samuel Weyl called Schmule. Mayer Weil (died in April 1709 according to the court proceedings of 18.12.1709 page 445). Borach Weyl (moved away with his wife and children at night around 23.04.1709 according to the proceedings of 18.12.1709 page 445). Joachim Weyl called Getsch. Isac Schwab the Jew. Jacob Weyl Meyer`s son. Jacob Weyl Effermen son. Lehman Weyl Samuel`s son.
1723-03-08Leib, Jonas, Feistel, Marum, Salamon, Meyer Bloch, Menke Bloch, Lehman Bikert, Jsac Bikert, Meyer Bloch jung, Lang Jossel (Guggenheim), Elias Meyer, Marum Weyl allhier in Donaueschingen , (und Meyer Weyl zu Horheimb)
1728-02-24Marumb Weyl has ceded a claim of 379 fl., with reference to the proceedings of 27.03.1722, to Junker Johann Jacob Ziegler of Schaffhausen.
1728-05-26Marumb Weyl 4 fl. 10 Kr.
1728-05-26Marum Weyl is fined for a riot at the wedding of his youngest daughter Ella last Saturday while the bells were rung for Ave Maria and the Poor Souls.
1728-10-15Satzgeld der Juden, je 9 fl. an Michaelis 1728 von Marx Meyer, Jonas Weyl Salomons Sohn, Leib, Salomon Weyl, Meyer Bloch Menckes Sohn, Lehmann Bickert, Isacc Abrahammen Sohn, Faistel Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Jossel Lang Schmulins Sohn, Elias Meyer, Lemble Weyl Alt, Marumb Weyl, Meyer Weyl Jüdelins Sohn, Mencke Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann.
1728-11-03Marumb Weyl claims 25 fl. and 15 fl.
1728-11-12Claims of Marumb Weyl and Leib.
1729-01-01Rückständigen Zahlungen von Jeckoff Marumbs Sohn (156), Model (17), Mergen Marumbs Wittib (32), Hertzele (29), Jackoff Callmelins Sohn (37), Elias Boll (70), Jüdele Weyl von Horheim (25), Marumb Weyl (3), Beniamin (10), Schmule Jüdelins Sohn (28), Ephraim (13), Samuel von Unterlauchringen (22), Isacc Meyer von Gailingen (9), Meyer Bloch von Gailingen (10), Lehmann Weyl von Donaueschingen „so getauft und dato sich in Donaueschingen befindet, mit Anthoni Namen Joseph Ernst“ (18) (Beträge in Gulden, auf ganze Zahlen abgerundet).
1729-03-22Meyer Gugenheimb, protected Jew here, has married Schönle, the daughter of Josel Gugenheimb, about two months ago. The young couple got into heavy quarrels in which their parents got involved, too. Meyer had even once told to Marum Weyl that he would rather issue a divorce document (Scheidbrief) if the Jossl side will not allow him command (Gewalt) over the marriage endowment. In spite of many good words, they could not come to an agreement at the office, so the matter was transferred to the local Rabbi and to schoolmaster Heyum. Today appears the young couple with Jonas Gugenheimb, Marum Weyl of Donaueschingen and Mencke Bernheim of Tiengen and declares their agreement in this matter. The transfer of the case to the Rabbi and the schoolmaster is waived for now.
1729-05-06Marum Weyl protected Jew here claims 489 fl.
1729-05-17Marum Weyl here reports burglary in the Synagogue. The box into which offerings are put (Opferstock) in a chappel was also violently opened (erbrochen) this night.
1729-05-17Losses of Marum Weyl by a debtor´s bankruptcy.
1729-07-01Marumb Weyl, quarrel after a bull trade.
1729-07-08Marumb Weyl of Donaueschingen has bought a house in Stühlingen 1.5 years ago.
1729-11-18Marum Weyl claims payment of interest and payment for a horse.
1730-02-23Johann Beringer, alderman, representing mayor Hans Faller, sells Marum Weyl, protected Jew in Stühlingen and Donaueschingen, the house above the lower well with barn, stable, all belongings and a Baulege, bordering at top to Johannes Schelderle, at bottom to the Church Lane near the school house, at front to the main lane (Hauptgaß) at the well, at rear to the small lane towards the town church (hinten an das Gäßle gegen der Stadtkirchen), plus a vegetable garden yonder the Upper Gate, bordering to the road to Eberfingen (etc.), for 937 fl. After this sale was agreed, Frantz Anthoni Faller, a son of seller, has applied for the right of first emption which has been granted him by the district office. Appeal was filed to the Fürstenberg-Stühlingen government, but before a sentence was made, the two parties have made an agreement whose background is hidden to the court, whereas Frantz Anthoni Faller refrained from his right and Marumb Weyl has, upon interposition of bailiff Frantz Anthoni Michels, paid Faller 200 fl. for such a renounciation and 15 fl. "discretion" for the wife, so the sale was made for 1152 fl. which Marum Weyl paid cash on the spot.
1730-03-14Marum Weyl may loan 15 fl. to a farmer for the purchase of seeds.
1730-03-17Marum Weyl claims 85 fl., with reference to the proceedings of 14.01.1717 and 07.02.1719.
1730-03-17Claims by Marum Weyl and Jonas Gugenheimb.
1730-04-25Marum Weyl der Junge, a resident of here and Donaueschingen, declares he has six years ago bought a man´s and a woman´s seat (Mann und Weiberstuhl) in the Synagogue from Daniel Bickert who had been under protection here, but now lives in Wangen near Stein am Rhein, in the presence of three witnesses and the Rabbi of Gailingen (who issued) a document. Now Jonas Gugenheimb also claims to own this chair, pretending he has bought it from the heirs of Daniel´s brother two years after. Plaintiff applies to interrogate said Daniel Bickert, whom he had inexpectedly met on the market yesterday, under oath. Jonas Gugenbeimb refers to the Jewish ceremonis and claims he has a better right to this chair, and Daniel Bickert was not authorized to sell this chair because the younger brother always owned it (allzeiten in diesem Stuhl gestanden). Daniel Bickert refers to Meyer Bloch, Isaac Bickert and Reb Salmele who will say that this chair belonged to his father and that the older brother had had the other and lower chair. Rabbi Salmele remembers well that Alt Schmuly stood in the upper and Daniel Bickert´s father in the lower chair. When Schmuly died, his son Isaac, Daniel´s father, stood in the upper one, and when Isaac died, Hirtzel stood in the upper and Daniel in the lower chair. The matter will depend on both parties presenting the purchase documents, and these documents are to be compared/balanced (gegeneinander gehalten). Lehmann Bicker says the same. Decision: As both brothers, Hirtzel and Daniel, have sold the upper chair, thus plaintiff and defendant are to bring up evidence which of the sellers has taken over which chair from their parents, and present the purchase documents, which are to be translated and explained by an unpartial Rabbi. In the meantime, plaintiff and defendant are to alternate in the use of the upper chair. (Chair is the translation of Germnan Stuhl, although the object rather seems to have been a place to stand).
1730-04-28Hans Gasser of Unterhallau sues the Jewish community for payment of 65 fl. according to a document of 31.03.1723. Marumb Weyl as a representative of the Jews says they had urgently needed the money at that time to pay for the extension of their protection (a long matter). The claim is refused because plaintiff has not sufficient evidence.
1730-05-05Appears Marum Weyl Ticker and applies to decide the chair quarrel by an appearance (Augenschein). The bailiff hereupon rendered himself to the Synagogue and found that the questionable chairs are next to each others (with mention of Lehmann and Hirtzel as chair neighbours). Jonas Guggenheim suggests that Daniel renders an oath. The court decides that if Daniel Bicker physically swears that he sold the upper chair to Marum Weyl Ticker and has bought such chair from his (Daniel´s) mother, then this upper chair will belong to Marum Weyl. Daniel Bikkert hereupon rendered such an oath, and it was decided that the upper chair at left side, between Lehemann Bickert and Jonas Gugenheimb, pertains to Marumb Weyl Samuels Sohn. The court fees are shared as every party had reason to believe he/it would own the chair.
1730-08-16Marumb Weyl, horse trade matter.
1730-08-18Lehmann Weyl, same, with a deposition of his father Marumb Weyl.
1730-09-22Marumb Weyl Samuel´s son, protected Jew in Stühlingen and Donaueschingen.
1730-10-15Satzgelder, je 9 fl. auf Michaelis von Leib, Marum Sandls Sohn, Salamon Sandls Sohn, Meyer Bloch Menchens Sohn, Lehmann Bickert Meyers Sohn, Isaac Abrahamben Sohn, Feistl Leiben Sohn, Jonas Leiben Sohn, Jossel Lang Schmulis Sohn, Elias Meyer, Marx Meyer, Jonas Weyl Salamons Sohn, Meyer Weyl Jüdelins Sohn zu Horheim, Mencke Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandls Tochtermann, Marumb Weyl Dicker von Donaueschingen, Abrahamb Bloch.
1731-06-22Marumb Weyl Tickers Sohn, horse trade matter.
1731-11-09According to the proceedings of 21.02.1731, Schmuly Weyl has set his house as a pawn for a claim of 320 florins, with some more terms. Now Schmuly has agreed with Marumb Weyl Samuels Sohn to rent this man´s house to Moisis Weyl Marumben Sohn for a year. Faistel Gugenheimb complains against this and claims either the house or payment according to said proceedings. Marum Weyl declared to fulfil the+ complaint of Faistel until next Easter unless Schmuly (is unable to redeem the house??).
1732-01-18Marum Weyl claims 400 fl. from Heinrich Stoll of Lembach according to the proceedings of 13.06.1713, 07.03.1727 and 05.12.1730, including 100 fl. which he has ceded to his son Salomon Weyl. The son claims additional 150 fl. according to the proceedings of 17.09.1729 and 50 more florins.
1732-05-28Marumb Weyl Samuels Sohn has bought hay which turned out to be rotten.
1732-07-11Simon Weyl, protected Jew in Donaueschingen, complains that he has made up a marriage contract with Mencke Bloch of Stühlingen for his daughter Vögele and his son Moisis. The contract includes the time of wedding which has actually elapsed in April. He has urged several times about this but was always answered that defendant Mencke has a claim to plaintiff´s brother Marumb Weyl in behalf of just this wedding, according to which said man is to effect (auswirken) protection in Stühlingen for the groom or pay him 100 Dukaten instead. This has been defendant´s reason to delay the wedding. Marumb Weyl Samuels Sohn responds and declares that he has issued a written obligation to effect either protection for the groom in Stühlingen or after the "Hebr. Abbreviation" in Donaueschingen, but this did not include a certain date. He will have to render the agreed payment if he cannot accomplish it when His Grace will be back (or: will arrive), so this promise, depending in his person and undated, cannot be an obstacle to the wedding. Mencke Bloch as a plaintiff from his side responds that there was no mention of protection in Stühlingen or optionally Donaueschingen. When Marum Weyl wanted to interpret the Hebrew abbrevation in this way, he (probably Mencke) has shown the bond to knowledgeable Rabbis which/who did not understand the letters in this way. The lack of a date in the bond means that the promise is to be kept (by paying) cash. Marumb Weyl replies that the option is positively included in the contract and the presentation to the Rabbis by just one party does not prejudice anything, but in all such quarrels, both parties are to be heard. The bond does not include that he is to render protection cash or by a certain date, and common sense says that a matter which depends on the grace of the ruler cannot be immediately accomplished. Decision: As the marriage contract provided wedding at a certain date, which has elapsed, thus Mencke and his son are obliged to perform the wedding within four weeks, and fulfil the mutual duties which were promised each others. A decision if the contract means optionally Stühlingen or Donaueschingen is referred to the Jewish Ceremonies, which are to be arranged within two months. The one who hinders this will not be heard any more, but the text will be interpreted to the favour of the other side. When the sentence of the Rabbis will be made, Marum Weyl will be obliged to observe it and accomplish protection within six months or pay 100 Dukaten. The brothers Simon and Marumb Weyl were content with this sentence and accepted it. Meyer and Mencke Bloch, however, said that the son would rather run away, and if one wants to have him, one is to search him in the Breisgau region. In order to pervent such obstinacy, one has ordered Meyer Bloch as the grandfather and Mencke Bloch as the father that they both keep the son Moisis Bloch (in town) and present (? herstellen) him within this time on pain of losing their protection, and that they are to obey the decisions.
1732-07-15Marumb Weyl Samuels Sohn (on the margin: Ticker), decision after a horse trade quarrel.
1732-07-15Mencke Bloch refers to the session of 11.07.1732 and objects that the marriage was based upon the promise to obtain protection, and this promise relies on the marriage contract, so they are both connected. So two Jews who happened to be in town, plus Marumb Weyl Sandels Sohn, were summoned to the office and interrogated about the meaning of this bond. They declared unanimously that one matter is connected with the other one, and it is usual amoung Jews to establish such a bond besides a marriage contract, and each one is to be fulfilled with the other one. Especially as Marumb Weyl´s interpretation for Stühlingen or Donaueschingen cannot be read or understood by any Rabbi or Jewish scholar (gelehrten Juden), except by someone who is informed about such an abbreviation of the place names, and that the abbreviation of various place names into one word stands for craftiness and exorbitant demand (für Arglist und Überforderung) rather than sincerity. It had been better to write out the word Donaueschingen in the same way as Stühlingen, so the groom, his parents and the others had understood it correctly and the whole quarrel had been avoided. The authority is not interested in shortening the rights of one or the other side, nor to turn this into an everlasting lawsuit and drop the parties into poverty. So if every side is interested in concluding the matter and no side will deceive the other one, the Rabbis can be called in within 14 days, and as Marum Weyl already gave to understand that if the Rabbi´s decision would be in his favour, he is expecting appeal (by the other side), and an infinite lawsuit might arise from this, thus such difference about the promised protection cannot be carried out apart from the marriage (in the sense of marriage contract?), except that both sides subject themselves to the Rabbi and refrain from appeal, and the 100 Dukaten are deposited (at the court), in which case the matter is to remain at the former decision. In the meantime, the bond remains deposited in the office. Mencke Bloch, however, is to obey anything the Rabbis will decide about the expenses and the marriage endowment, and no side is allowed to file for appeal. (This entry deserves a better translation before being used).
1732-08-01Marumb Weyl Samuels Sohn buys half a house for 300 florins. The magistrate protests, saying that against the former customs (Observanz), the house has not been offered for sale to the public, and the letter-of-protection positively says that no Jew must buy a house without approval of the authority. The magistrate may file appeal to the office or the government. The office may order seller to offer his half house to the citizen at first, and to waive the previous contract. The seller says that the foreman of the town knew about the sale and could have proclaimed it to the citizen. If the sale will be waived, he is forced to keep the house as the citizen have said that none of them will accept him (as a lodger). He has never intended to cause such a quarrel among the citizen. Decision: The sale is suspended and the half house is to be offered for sale to the public within 12 days. Further decision will be made if no acceptable offer will be filed within this time.
1732-08-28Quarrel between Mausche Bloch Mencke Bloch´s son against Marumb Weyl Samuels Sohn and his brother Simon Weyl of Donaueschingen whose daughter wants to become Christian. With mention of Mausche´s brother Abraham Bloch.
1732-09-30Marumb Weyl Samuels Sohn buys half a house for 300 florins which he is to pay cash.
1732-12-12Marumb Weyl Samuels Sohn, claim.
1733-02-26Marumb Weyl Samuel´s son (on the margin: Marumb Weyl, then underlined, meaning crossed out: Sandels Sohn, replaced by "sage" (correctly) Samuels Sohn Ticker).
1733-03-03Marumb Weyl Samuels Sohn, bull trade matter.
1733-03-09Marumb Weyl Samuels Sohn, claims in Horheim.
1733-04-23Marx Meyer, Jonas Weyl Salamons Sohn, Meyer Weyl Jüdelins Sohn zu Horheim, Mencke Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandls Tochtermann, Marumb Weyl Dicker, Salamon Weyl Marumben Sandls Sohn, Meyer Gugenheimb Feistels Sohn, Abrahamb Bloch, Moysis Weyl Marum Dickers Sohn das erste Mal.
1733-06-19Marumb Weyl Samuels Sohn has purchased a claim and a cow.
1733-07-10Marumb Weil and his son Salomon Weyl, claim.
1733-07-14Marumb Weyl Ticker.
1733-07-14Marumb Weyl Ticker is fined twice.
1733-07-14Marumb Weyl Dicker 4 fl.
1734-01-12Marumb Weyl Samuels Sohn (on the margin: Marumb Weyl Ticker), claim.
1734-03-11Marumb Weyl Samuel´s son (on the margin: Marumb Weyl Ticker).
1734-03-30Moisis Weyl is fined for the unpermitted purchase of a house.
1734-10-15Meyer Weyl Jüdelins Sohn zu Horheim, Mencke Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Jung, Joseph Sandls Tochtermann, Marumb Weyl Dicker, Salamon Weyl Marumben Sandls Sohn, Meyer Gugenheimb Feistels Sohn, Abrahamb Bloch, Moysis Weyl.
1735-03-11Marum Weyl Samuels Sohn, bull trade.
1735-06-21Marum Weyhl has rendered good service for the dominion and in reverse gets one protection (place) in Stühlingen and one in Horheim into which he may install one of his children, or Jacob Block who was born in Stühlingen.
1736-02-04Joseph Gugenheimb of Randegg sells Marum Weyhl several pieces of cattle which he has inherited from Leib Gugenheimb.
1736-05-04Appears Joseph Gugenheim from Randegg and asks to interrogate him, in the presence of the two Jewish foremen Marum Weyl and his brothers-inlaw Salomon Weyl, Faisel and Jonas Guggenheimer, about the estate of late Leib Guggenheimer.
1736-07-13Marum Weyhl Dicker, claim.
1736-09-19Marum Weyl Dicker, bull trade.
1737-04-23Jonas Leiben Sohn, Josel Lang Schmuly Sohn, Elias Meyer Jud, Schmuly Weyl Lemble Sohn, Marx Meyer, Jonas Weyl Salomons Sohn, Meyer Weyl Jüdelins Sohn zu Horheim, Menke Bloch Meyers Sohn, Meyer Bloch Jung Krumm, Joseph Sandls Tochtermann, Marum Weyl Dicker, Salomon Weyl Marumben Sandls Sohn, Meyer Gugenheimb Feistels Sohn
1737-05-13Marum Weyl Samuels Sohn, horse trade matter.
1737-07-17Lehemann Weyl Dickhers Sohn has beaten Salamon Weyl and the maidservant of Marum Weyl.
1737-07-26Moises Gottfrid, schoolmaster with Marum Weyl Dickher and others, victim of theft.
1737-11-22Marumb Weyl Dickher, claim.
1737-11-27Moyses Weyl represents his father Marumb Weyl Dickher.
1737-12-18Marumb Weyl Samuels Sohn.
1740-10-12Frantz Antoni Fest, formerly Mencke Bloch, has converted to the Christian religion and got baptized in Rheinau. He files a claim to Marum Weyl Dick. The case apparently refers to the son Leehmann Weyl who is now interrogated.
1741-03-08Marum Weyl Samuels Sohn is to take a purgating oath in the matter against Frantz Anton Vöst. The sons Lehemann Weyl and Moises Bloch (now dead) are mentioned.
1741-08-18The Leib Gugenheim heirs, represented by the sons Jonas and Faistel Gugenheimb, complain about double taxation. The two Marumb Weyl Samuels and Sandels Sohn respond for the Jewish community.
1742-04-13Moises Weyl des Marum Weyl Samuels Sohn, questionable participation in a debt. Marumb Weyl Sandels Sohn and Josel Gugenheim respond for the Jewish community.
1743-01-09Marumb Weyl Sam. son, plaintiff.
1743-07-27Marum Weyl Dicker could not move away earlier because of sickness, and Isaac Weyl and Marx Mayer also remained to take care for him. They are to pay protection fee for 83 days.
1744-01-01Extant payments, long lists including the banished Jews who still have houses at Stühlingen: Salomon Weyl as representative fiefholder, Isac Abraham`s son, Jonas Leib`s son, Eleis Meyer, Schmuly Weyl Lemble`s son, Menke Bloch Meyer`s son, Marum Weyl Dicker, Josel Lang, Meyer Gugenheimb Feistel`s son, Höwen Bickert Isac`s son, Salomon Awenbach at Tiengen, Ezechiel Treyfuß at Gailingen, Isac Weyl Dicker`s son.
1744-07-18Marum Weyl filed a petition to the Donaueschingen government in behalf of his extant protection fee. His fee of 5 fl. is granted, and the fee of his two fellows Marx Mayer and Isaac Weyl is reduced to a half.
1747-03-21Ignati Würth representing Marumb Weyl the so-called Dickher, formerly a protected Jew in Stühlingen, but now in Lenglau in Switzerland, sells teacher Franz Antoni Grieninger in Stühlingen that man´s cornerhouse (Eckhaus) next to Jacob Mayer the innkeeper at the sign of the Löwen, with barn, stable, Baulege and all rights pertaining to it, plus a vegetable garden outside (vor) of the Upper Gate, between the footpath to the castle, the road to Eberfingen and Christoph Meggle, for 750 fl.

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