Abstracted from Geldrechnung Stühlingen 1650/51 (undated, unpaginated).
1651-01-01 | Protection fee, paid by the Jews on 24.07.1650 (15 fl. each): Marum Juckhen (probably misspelled for Juden) Jeckhoff`s son. Marum`s son-in-law (Tochtermännlin). Mennckhe Mayerlin`s son. Lehmann Hirzli`s son. Schmul`s son Seligman. Jäggle. All together 90 fl. According to the previous invoice, Lehman owes 172 fl. protection fee, for which he yielded 11 claims to individuals in Stühlingen. |
The following identified Jews are mentioned in this record:
Common Name | Formal Name |
Tochtermännlin | (Meir (Marum Tochtermännlin), Weyl) |
Seligman | (Seligmann ben Samuel, Gugenheimb) |
Jäggle | (Jacob (Jäggelin) ben Judah Weyl) |
Lehmann | (Judah (Leheman) ben Naphtali, Bickert) |
Marum | (Meir (Marum) ben Jacob, Gugenheimb) |