Identified Man

Tree Judah (Lehmann) ben Samuel, Weyl is mentioned 7 times between 1703 and 1740. He died around 1729. His designation in the Stühlingen family tree is 'W1.1'. His father was Samuel, Weyl - Donaueschingen.

Although not explicitly mentioned until 1710, he probably moved from Tiengen to Donaueschingen in 1683 together with the rest of his family [R1310; 05.11.1683]. He seems to have led a comfortable life under the halo of his successful father [R16; 01.01.1720] . He also had passage rights in Stühlingen, although he appears to have behind in paying the corresponding fees [R540; 04.12.1716] . As son of the court Jew Samuel he seems to have felt close to the princely house, for when he was baptized in 1729 [R4570; 01.01.1729], he chose the baptismal name `Antonius Joseph Ernst`, although the biography of Joseph Wilhelm Ernst, Prince Fürstenberg, (RR#5) provides not a hint that Lehmann had ever met his name sake personally. .

1703-06-12Lehman Weyl of Donaueschingen purchased trespassing for a year.
1716-03-15Extanzenregister, darin die schutzverwandten Juden Sallomon Jäggelin Sohn, Jekoff Marum Sohn, Mausche Alt, Josell Marum Sohn, Lemble Alt, Isac Juden Wittib, Schmuel Seeligmann, Meyer Lehemann Bickhert, Modell, Isac Abrahamben Sohn, Mergam Marums Wittib, Joseph Sandels Tochtermann, Jonas Models Sohn, Hirtzel Isac Sohn, Mausche Models Sohn, Jäggelle Hirtzels Sohn, Hirtzel Jud, Jackoff Callmelis Sohn, Elias Jud, Israel Meyer Eliasen Sohn, Davidt Jäggelin Sohn, Elias Boll, Jüdelle Weyl, Marum Weyl Jud, Beniamin Jud, Schmule Jüdelins Sohn, Isac Jud Beniamin Sohn, Meyer Weyl Jüdelin Sohn. Fremde Juden, die Geleit haben: Ephraim zu Donaueschingen, Samuel allda, Simeon und Samuel Vehlmann (wohl Uhlmann) zu Tiengen, Samuel von Unterlauchringen, Baroch von Endingen, Isac Meyer von "Gaisingen", Lehman Weyl von Donaueschingen, Meyer Bloch Jud von Gailingen, Jud Jopperle von Lenglau.
1720-01-01The Jewish protection fee is 18 fl. each. Samuel Weyl in the Schellenberg house. Marum Weyl same. Samuel Weyl called Schmuli. Joachim Weyl called Getsch. Jacob Weyl Mayer`s son. Lehmann Weyl Samuel`s son. Samuel Moyses on 01.05.1720. Simon Weyl. Salomon Leve. Moyses Gedeon. Hertzl Weyl.
1720-01-01Lehmann Weyl Jew was paid 200 fl. for his claim to the Schellenberg house amounting 426 fl. (see page 558 of the previous account). Samuel Weyl got 30 fl. down payment for selling a house to the dominion.
1720-01-01Lehmann Weyl got final payment of 76 fl. for the Schellenberg house.
1729-01-01Rückständigen Zahlungen von Jeckoff Marumbs Sohn (156), Model (17), Mergen Marumbs Wittib (32), Hertzele (29), Jackoff Callmelins Sohn (37), Elias Boll (70), Jüdele Weyl von Horheim (25), Marumb Weyl (3), Beniamin (10), Schmule Jüdelins Sohn (28), Ephraim (13), Samuel von Unterlauchringen (22), Isacc Meyer von Gailingen (9), Meyer Bloch von Gailingen (10), Lehmann Weyl von Donaueschingen „so getauft und dato sich in Donaueschingen befindet, mit Anthoni Namen Joseph Ernst“ (18) (Beträge in Gulden, auf ganze Zahlen abgerundet).
1740-01-01Protected Jews in Stühlingen: Marum Weyl Sandl`s son. Salomon Jew Sandl`s son. Lehmann Bickert Meyer`s son. Isaac Abrahamb`s son. Feistel Leib`s son. Jonas Leib`s son. Josef Lang Schmulin`s son. Eleis Meser Jew. Schmuly Weyl Lemle`s son. Marx Meyer. Jonas Weyl Salomon`s son. Meyer Weyl Judelin`s son. Mencke Bloch Meyer`s son. Meyer Bloch the young, crooked. Joseph Sandl`s son-in-law, lives with his son in the Breisgau region. Marum Weyl Dickher (the fat?). Salomon Weyl Marum Sandl`s son. Meyer Gugenheimb Feistel`s son. Abrahamb Bloch. Moysis Weyl. Marx Bloch. Marum Gugenheimb. Lehemann Weyl Dickher`s son. Jacob Bloch. Hewen Bickert Isaac`s son. Salomon Gugenheimb Langen Josel`s son. Isaac Weyl Dicker`s son. Feistel Gugenheimb Joseph`s son.

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