
Abstracted from Beilagen zur Rechnung der Herrschaft Stühlingen 1739/40.

1740-01-01Protected Jews in Stühlingen: Marum Weyl Sandl`s son. Salomon Jew Sandl`s son. Lehmann Bickert Meyer`s son. Isaac Abrahamb`s son. Feistel Leib`s son. Jonas Leib`s son. Josef Lang Schmulin`s son. Eleis Meser Jew. Schmuly Weyl Lemle`s son. Marx Meyer. Jonas Weyl Salomon`s son. Meyer Weyl Judelin`s son. Mencke Bloch Meyer`s son. Meyer Bloch the young, crooked. Joseph Sandl`s son-in-law, lives with his son in the Breisgau region. Marum Weyl Dickher (the fat?). Salomon Weyl Marum Sandl`s son. Meyer Gugenheimb Feistel`s son. Abrahamb Bloch. Moysis Weyl. Marx Bloch. Marum Gugenheimb. Lehemann Weyl Dickher`s son. Jacob Bloch. Hewen Bickert Isaac`s son. Salomon Gugenheimb Langen Josel`s son. Isaac Weyl Dicker`s son. Feistel Gugenheimb Joseph`s son.

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